Long casual chats, deep coffee conversations, ridiculous arguments, and chocolate. OH, and I write on occassion. Jenni likes my undivided attention, (rare) a good t.v. show, deep and meaningful friendships, and we play games avidly. We enjoy the movies, and we both like to cook. I sometimes like to give fashion advice & home decorating tips too, but don't tell anyone! LOL!
Joel Osteen-to see if he ever stops smiling-LOL! All my crazy old friends-to give big hugs! Those that I've lost touch with-to catch up!My Lord & Savior, the reason I'm not the Jerk I used to be, and am anything but a blubberring idiot!Lots of famous people...don't we all have some of these?Bible Heroes...lots of questions here.The people who wrote books about stuff I'm interested in.And... anyone who needs a listening ear and a caring heart.
The only music I don't like is the kind that includes profanity, or cursing God, everything else is pretty much cool with me and I listen to it. My favorites though are the worship groups of the 90's and 2000's. I like Michael Buble(sp?) and Josh Grobin, Celtic anything, and Jenni likes mostly 80's bands and we both enjoy singing old worship music from when we were kids...every road trip! We rarely listen to smashing pumkins, Korn, or Avenge Seven fold anymore LOL!
I'm a movie buff, I like vampires (shocker I know) Jenni loves Anne of Green Gables, we both liked Transformers, and I loved the Bourne films. I'm a typical sci-fi junkie, and I can get into sappy romances with my wife as well.
CSI, Gone without a trace, typical game shows, news, and the cooking network. I've really gotten into some interesting documentries and how to shows...I'm gettin close to thirty...gotta learn something.
I read voraciously, everything from magazines to old english poets, to modern novels. I attack books like steak. The Word of God is the all time favorite of Jen and I. I love it all. I write it all as well. Jenni & I both like reading our devotions and we try to do that daily...sometimes hard. Jenni likes to read anything she thinks will help her be a better person, I'm not that into growing up yet! LOL!
They would probably suprise you. Andy Yake-ask me why-sometimes hero's are just best-friends. Jerry Morgan-spiritual father, My wife, obviously the best wife in the world, and of course Jesus, the hero of us all. Let's all be real our hero's are the people we admire and would die for willingly.