I'M LORENZO , RENZO FOR MY FRIENDS. I WAS BORN IN LITTLE CITY CALL SANSEPOLCRO IN TOSCANY AND I START TO STUDY MUSIC WITH My LITTLE CLASSICAL GUITAR WHEN I WAS 11 FOR 3 YEARS WITH THE GREATE MUSICIAN Luca Damore THAN I STOP TO DO THAT FOR A LONG TIME, MAY BE 5/6 YEARS BUT I DONT KNOW WHY !!! BUT I LOVE TOO MUCH THE MUSIC SO 3 YEARS AGO I START AGAIN MY ELECTRIC GUITAR'S STUDYES IN A LIZARD ACCADEMY WITH THE SUPER GUITAR PLAYER Simone Gianlorenzi . in the 2005/2006 i Moved to Milano and study for a musical diploma in C.P.M., the most important italian college of music. There I meet the actually number 1 of the Italian Guitarist, Luca Colombo, he's a Greate and Complete musician and a greate Teacher too. I' ve play with 4 cover band, one of that four is my actually. The first was a Pink Floyd Tribute called NEMESI, there was my best friend Lorenzo Damore (http://www.myspace.com/lorenzo85nemesi) at the drums. The second one was an acoustic duo witH my friend CIACCIA, a great bleus man, and our name was very funny ; that was "The flashed fisherman's friends"...but that's a long story for teel you something about this name...And the last one was may be the best for sound and quality... THAT WAS CALLED "FRAZIONECINQUEVIE"...in my space there are three our cover songs... You can ear it !!! wHAT about that ?!!!.... have a good time in my space !!! ____________________________________________________________