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…Mony…but almost all call me BIBA=)…
…im 19…(21.6.1988)… so buy mi a present:P… from Slowenia.. liwe in RADEČE3…
…i just lowe to smoke WEED and drink WODKA3 so what:P…
…dont like FAKE friends…
…lowe my family and my friends are eweryting for me…
…just luw my best friend PUFF:D…he s crazy just like me:P…
..FRIKY is the best girl on the world… i lowe her so much…
…im unique… but im not prfect…and yes dont giwe a fuck what do u think…
…sometimes i cry…but crying is good:P…
…hate sql…:D
…minimal…techno….schranz…:D…but dont like house music..elektro is good:P…
…just want to party all the time:D so what im young:P…
…there is no party without after party:D…
…white MILKA rox…:D so u can buy mi one:P…
…dont like fancy BITCHES…:p…I JUST WANT TO KILL THEM ALL…:D…
…sometimes im A BITCH sometimes an ANGEL…
…but always me…
…thats it… if u need to know some more about me just ask dont be shy i wont bite ya…
My Interests
Richie Hawtin @ Tribehouse, Neuss 14.10.2006 Pt. 3