wow rght now tatoos are what im intrested in.
in general though i love sports.
i dont really have just one interest,cause if it looks fun than lets do it!!!
im also down with spending time at home watchin a movie or having a nice diner
im into meeting someone that i click with!!someone who likes to do things like go for walks,pick up and head out camping for the weekend!!im alawys looking for people that can help me expand so if your out there...
no rap,i love rock and pretty much everything else. oh yeah,polka is out of the question
dumb and dumber,Napolean Dynamite
ray,and fear and loathing theres so many but im havin a brainfart rght now
yeah lets not tlk to much about this,but i like chick a big fan of the o.c.
and oh yeah it gets better,if you watch daytime t.v. you know what im tlkin about
i would have to say just evryday people whos carees ask them to do exeptional things like fireman and paramedics.i know i should have same respect for cops,but not so much. i would also have to say my mom,cause i know that she would jump off a bridge if it was to protect my sister or myself