SaMmY DuHh! profile picture

SaMmY DuHh!

Oh so sexii ♥

About Me

HeY B.E.A.U.t.i.F.U.L.'S! MY NAMES SAMMY iiM 13 YEARS OLD FROm OkLaHOmA, AND iM A CHEERlEaDeR AnD A tUmBlEr, i aLsO LoVe aCTiiNg and SiiNgiiNg! 33 iM ME ON CHEER 4 U 8212! ;D

My Interests

GOD, AmERIcAn idOl, aMeRiCaN JUnIoRs, cArrIe uNdErWooD, ChEeRLeADiNG, TuMbLiNg, baLLeT, AcTiNg, MoDeLiNg, wAtChInG mOvIeS, MeAn giRls (the movie), MaNiCuReS, pEdIcUrEs, HaNgIng oUT WiTh FrIeNdS, IcE CrEaM, sTrAwBeRrY mIlkShAkE, CiArA, KelLY ClARkSOn, CaRRiE UnDeRWooD, mUsIc, sInGiNG In THe ShOweR, BuBBlE BaThS, DrAwInG, AiM, ImInG pEoPlE, RaP, PoP, rOcK, mY BeSt fRiEnD DaNiEllE AnD KaTe, aNd lOvInG YoU!! x0x0

I'd like to meet:

i WOuLd liiKE tO DeFiiNtallY LiKE tO MEEt tHE HOTTeST gUY JessE MccArTneY!!! 33


*BeHiiNd tHeSe hAzEl eyEs* *Oh* *DoNt cHa* *lOsE CoNtRoL* *InSiDe yOuR HeaVeN* *sWiTcHfOOt* *sHe's nO You* *Mr bRiGhT sIdE* *HoLlAbAck giRl* *ScArs*


*mEAn giiRlS* *bRiinG iiT On* *RaDiiO* *FiiNDiiNg NeMO* *CaSt aWaY* *HiDe aNd sEeK* *tHe rOoKiiE* *LeGaLLy BlOnDe*


*SuMMeRlAnD* *FriEnDs* *aMeRiCaN IiDoL* *sUiitE liiFE oF ZACH & CoDy* *ZoEy 101* *CriiBS* *PuNkD* *PiiMP My RiiDE*


ii DONt liKE tO ReAd! :D



My Blog

bad news!!

OMG! I cant believe it! Dakota died. I miss her soo much!! I cant stop thinking about it! I feel like its all a nightmare and i should be waking up any moment....well gtg! <33 Sammy...
Posted by SaMmY DuHh! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Hey B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L'ZZZZ!! Whats upp? Nothing hurrrrr! Today i went to see War of The Worlds with Dani and Kate! It was really good!! i loved it! then we went to the mall and we saw chris and brady ...
Posted by SaMmY DuHh! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST