Its about to get stupid all up in here! profile picture

Its about to get stupid all up in here!

I would like to extend you and invitation to the pants party.

About Me

My Interests

Hello peoples, my name is Luke or Lucas, which ever you preferr. Im a nerd therefore i love star wars, star trek, lord of the rings and anything fantasy or science fiction related. I love to excercise, read, and play guitar in my spare time. Im very care free and rarely serious. I of course love playing video games and going to the movies and just hanging out with friends. Who doesnt right?If there's anything you would like to know about me just ask and i'll tell.


- Children of bodom
- Beatles
- Eric Clapton
- Boston
- Sonic Syndicate
- The Beach boys
- The Eagles
- Tom Petty
- Joe Satriani
- Dragonforce
- Yngwie Malmsteen - Michael romeo
- Steve Vai
- John Williams
- Danny Elfman
- Hans Zimmer
- Megadeth
- Black Sabbath
- Iron Maiden
- Judas Priest
- 3 Inches of blood
- Wintersun
- Kalmah
- Rufio
- Slick Shoes
- Ozzy Osbourne
- The Who
- Beehtoven
- Mozart
- Less than jake
- Queen
- Cream
- Thin Lizzy
- Kansas
- Pantera
- Blink 182
- DeadLock
- NightWish
- Imperanon
- U2
- Shadows Fall


- Star Wars
- Harry potter
- Lord of the Rings
- Spider-man Trilogy
- X-men 1-2
- Spinal Tap
- Space Balls
- Some kind of Monster
- 300
- Hellboy - Pirates of the caribbean
- Star Trek
- Batman begins
- Batman
- Batman Returns
- Superman
- Superman 2
- Superman Returns
- Clerks
- Clerks 2
- Mallrats
- Dodgeball
- Airplane
- 40 year old virgin
- Last Samuria
- Napoleon Dynamite
- Gladiator
- Jay and Silent Bob strike back
- Dawn of the Dead
- Green Mile
- Shawshank redemption
- Forrest gump
- Talledga Knights
- Rush hour 1-2
- The Jerk
- All Jackie Chan movies
- The Punisher
- Waynes world 1-2


- Heroes
-South Park
- Smallville
- Lost
- (Old) Family guy
- Robot Chicken
- Futurama
- Metalpocalypse
- Thats it... tv sucks after these shows. Especially MTV and VH1 and Reality T.V.!


Favorite Books
- Harry potter
- Lord of the Rings
- Star Wars Rouge Squadron
- Batman: Stone King
- Shadows of the Empire
- Dune
- Spider-man: Darkest Hours
- Batman: Dead White
- Comic books - Anything science fiction, horror or mystery

My Blog

Guess what next week is?

It's freaking hallabaloozala madness thats what! Monday the 24 is the season premiere of the greatest T.V show ever made...Heroes! Then the 25 is the long awaited release of Halo 3! I already pre-orde...
Posted by Its about to get stupid all up in here! on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:41:00 PST

I will take new pictures soon!!

Yes, i know peoples...i know you want new pictures of me so i'll take them as soon as i possibly can. This week i hope, sheeesh! LOL
Posted by Its about to get stupid all up in here! on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 11:32:00 PST

You know the guys that package the jello chocolate pudding?

They're not called fudge packers are they...? Cause that would suck to have that be your professional title.
Posted by Its about to get stupid all up in here! on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 06:59:00 PST

Arent break up letters awesome?

Well...? Isnt this the funniest thing you've ever read or seen? A real break up letter!
Posted by Its about to get stupid all up in here! on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 04:47:00 PST

Sony sucks so bad as of....NOW!

At first i wanted a playstation 3, but now i want one less and less each day. Remember when it first launched, how people were lining up for days on end to spend $600 for the next gen console that wou...
Posted by Its about to get stupid all up in here! on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 11:15:00 PST

Why did i start a new profile?

Because my friends, i couldnt upload pictures or vids on my old one. It was locked because of stupid thing that i dont wish to discuss because its so incredibly stupid. Also i've had some uh...ex GF s...
Posted by Its about to get stupid all up in here! on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 10:49:00 PST