My Daughters,Family, Friends, Lovey, Music,Literature, The Cardinals, Cinema,City Planning, Trivia,Nature,Love, Freedom!!!!
Neko Case, Frank Sinatra, Bill Clinton, Elvis, Phil Jones, Dylan Thomas, Jimi Hendrix, Kieth Moon, Jon Bonham!
Drummers! What-a-ya gonna do? Start playing guitar and write a bunch of songs! That's what ya gonna do!
Anything that does not suck! Goodfellas, 8 1/2, most Woody Allen,Anchorman even after 100 viewings, Willy Wonka, Star Wars!
Kitchen Nightmares!
The Profit, Where The Sidewalk Ends, Slaughter House Five, Junky, Cervantes, The I Ching, The Art of War!!,It's Okay to Miss the Bed on the First Jump. the Road Less Traveled. The Fountainhead.
My Grandparents.