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Creative Spiritz
Creative Spiritz
I am a pastor’s wife, who loves the Lord Jesus with all my heart. I serve along side of my husband, Harvey, at Northbay Covenant Church in Vallejo, CA. I am so very blessed to be walking this road. It is not easy, there are no instructions ~ except for God’s Word, the Bible. We take our calling very seriously. We know that we have to give account to God for how we loved and served His people, His church. Our home is always open, our phone is always on the hook, we are available to serve, to literally wash Jesus’ feet by loving those He sends to us. We have small group Bible Studies in our home. It is an exciting adventure and can be also painful and sometimes a dangerous adventure. We have to guard His flock against those wolves out there that come in and try to destroy. We are always praying for discernment and for spiritual eyesight to ‘see’ what He wants us to see. We have come up against the enemy and I expect we will continue to do so until Jesus comes again and takes us home.The best part of our ministry, of course, is the people…….seeing them grow in Christ. Seeing them change right before our eyes ~ changing by leaving their old sinful path and choosing God’s path for their lives. This is our refreshment. We get to watch and be part of people being reconciled to God and to each other. We get to see others be healed from their sin, from smoking, from living together out of wedlock, from cussing, from drinking, from pornography, etc. It’s exciting to see God at work in our congregation. To see Him give His baby Christians the heart and desire to know Him and obey Him. I pray that you are in a church. I know many people who have been hurt by others in the church and have become judgmental, angry and bitter and have stopped attending church services. Very sad. If this is you, would you pray and ask God to show you where you need to forgive? If you are in church, please pray for your pastor, his wife and church leadership and give them lots of love and encouragement, too. They work very hard…….. I know.Please pray for us as we raise our 3 teenage grandsons. We thank God they are with us and we seek to love and nurture them the way the Lord wants us to.
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