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It's the dance, it's the dress. I'm a concept, more or less.

About Me

at / 1 red roseYour results:
You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 100% Superman 95% Iron Man 85% Supergirl 80% The Flash 80% Spider-Man 55% Robin 55% Batman 50% Green Lantern 30% Catwoman 25% Hulk 20% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
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Which Orisha Crowns You?
Oshun - Oshun is the Goddess of Love and the Rivers. She radiates beauty and teaches us how to love and please our bodies. Oshun belonged to no man and believed all was fair in games of love. Oshun is the Goddess of Divination. When you seek guidance through the art of divination call on Oshun."Oshun is brass and parrot feathers in a velvet skin. Oshun is white cowrie shells on black buttocks. Her eyes sparkle in the forest, like sun on the river. She is the wisdom of the forest. She is the wisdom of the river. Where doctors fail, she cures with fresh water. Where medicine fails, she cures with fresh water. She feeds the barren woman with honey, and her dry body swells up like a juicy coconut. Oh, how sweet, how sweet is the touch of a childs hand." -Yoruban chant to Oshun
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My Interests

latin percussion, fishing, dancing salsa, and more fishing.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

I'd like to meet:

My favorite original trekkie


R & B, Funk, Heavy Metal, Blue Grass, Country, and SALSA BABY!!!!!
What Concert Band Instrument Are You?
The saxophone is the coolest of all instruments. You often are kicked out of situations because you are deeper and smarter than others. Think Lisa Simpson.

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my top 10
1. amadeus
2. forest gump
3. one flew over the coocoo's nest
4. singing in the rain
5. the wizard of oz
6. the godfather
7. gentlemen perfer blondes
8. superman --fell in love with christopher reeve!
9. gigi
10. the sound of music
yes i really love musicials huh?


Law and Order, Will and Grace, ER, and anything on the history channel. oh and the learning channel, and the national geographic channel. the science channel, cant get enough of the science channel.


I love Amy Tan. Laurel K. Hamilton's Anita Blake is my hero!
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My Blog

tag - youre it

Here's how you play, once you've been tagged. You have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end you choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names a...
Posted by shelly on Thu, 17 May 2007 09:45:00 PST