*BoBbY* profile picture


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About Me

Love to travel! I'm all over the map when it comes to travelling. You can find me in a pin stripe suit struttin' down the Vegas strip or in a flannel plaid shirt in the mountains. Love fine dining and the company of a fine woman! Not in that order what so ever! I love annimals, wildlife of every kind and enjoy reading about what makes our friends in the wild kingdom tick! History is something i've enjoyed learning about since I can remember. Basketball, football, boxing are some of the sports I have played, play and love to watch. I love the night life OoooO YA BABY THAT NIGHT LIFE! Meeting people is something I don't need to do I just have to I guess this has to do with me getting bored of people very fast lol! I love to sleep but don't have the luxury of doing that if I did i'd be in bed right now rather than telling you about my self because the people I want to know about me already do for the most part! I love *LOVE* been in and out of it more times than I care to remember but will forever love them all! Laughter is a must and I tottaly get off on making people do that! I can sometimes when they are not yelling at me! My goal in this life time is to single handly bring romance back..Then i'll learn how to spell. Bare with me friends! Thank you for taking the time! MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator

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Theres a thousand pretty women waitin out there And theyre all livin devil may care And Im just the devil with love to spare
Women thats why they call me

I'd like to meet:

THAT LONG LEGGED GAL WITH THAT SHORT DRESS ON EVERY WHERE I LOOK SHE'S BEEN AND GONE!!Really though just some one who enjoy's life and is happy too be ALIVE! Males only as friends please..IF I WERE GAY I COULD GET LAID ON THE SUBWAY! MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile GeneratorOut of thousands of comments I have received I have never been so touched as I was to get this one I just had to put it on my page....I hope everyone realizes they are rocking with the best.Thank you for the awesome video's that I always love enjoying watching and playing.You give time after time so freely with the video's, your awesome comments, and your beautiful friendship towards everyone.Elvis would be very proud of your page.Your page is done in class for the King Of The Rock N' Roll as the way he should be treated for his memory to live on.I appreciate everything you do.I appreciate how hard you work on your page and to let people know they can send video request's in for a song.If you have If you don't have it I remember for one friend Richard you were up all night looking to find it for him.You have a heart of gold and make this world a much better place to live in.I hope everyone appreciate's you like I do and will never ever take you for granted or your amazing friendship.I hope you don't mind me posting this just wanted everyone to know how special you're for being one in a billion by being your wonderful self:) God bless you and may all the joy you give to others be returned right back at you.You and your family are always in my prayers.Love, Debs My funny valentine Sweet comic valentine You make me smile with my heart Your looks are laughable Unphotographable Yet youre my favourite work of artIs your figure less than greek Is your mouth a little weak When you open it to speak Are you smart?But dont change a hair for me Not if you care for me Stay little valentine stay Each day is valentines dayIs your figure less than greek Is your mouth a little weak When you open it to speak Are you smart?But dont you change one hair for me Not if you care for me Stay little valentine stay Each day is valentines day





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Not huge on television these day's. Don't watch it cause for the most part it's all junk. I do enjoy Biographys,nature shows and i'm big on the sapranos


Anything that feeds my mind and soul..so PLAYBOY what else..??


Jesus christ, my family...*ELVIS* and me!