The Fool Figurine profile picture

The Fool Figurine

my heart goes out to you, Franklin the turtle

About Me

My ______ is Kelcey _____ Ayer, i'm a _______ guy who is not into things like _________, but somehow i was ________!!!! i have a ________ _____ friends that are dear to me and life is wonderful. I'm in a ______ called Cavil At Rest and I love it, playing in front of ________ is wonderful. Come see all the shows, and visit our myspace. Also, ____ __________ _______ might _______ ___________ ___ _________, so call me a hopeless romantic I guess. And remember, _________ __ _______ ________ _ ________ __ _________ ________ _______ _____ ________ _____ ________________ _________ _______________ _____ _ _________ __________ if you ever want to get any. Probably the best _____ my father ever told me.

My Interests

music, love, provocation of beauty through an art medium and/or nature

I'd like to meet:

everyone in the regular world. (alright fine, in the netherworlds as well)


Radiohead, Beatles, Bjork, Zombies, Blood Bros, Arcade Fire, Sufjan Stevens, Broken Social Scene, Sigur Ros, CSNY, Antony and the Johnsons, Animal Collective, Devendra Banhart, Notwist, Patrick Wolf, Thom Yorke, Akkkkkron Family, Iron and Wine, Joanna Newsome, Grizzly Bear, Final Fantasy, Beach Boys, Interpol, Olivia Tremor Control, Decemberists, Cold War Kids, Of Montreal, Ben Kweller, Death Cab, Microphones, Blonde Redhead, Regina Spektor, and more!! ALSO CHECK OUT MY FRIENDS!!!: great glass elevator, evil snail, the magic orchard, the MCP, the color turning, the living suns, the outline, monsters are waiting, passaro de pomar, sequins and skeletons, and of course...


WATCH BRICK! (it was filmed city of god, l.a. confidential, american beauty, brokeback mountain, eternal sunshine..., I Heart Huckabees, everything Wes Anderson, every lotr, and every harry potter, anything Pixar, tim burton batmans, anything michel gondris, and the last unicorn.


friends-i dont care what anyone says!!!! seinfeld, arrested development, family guy, the awful truth


Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Dogrun, Life of Pi


God, my friends and family, all of whom keep me honest in their's and mine best interest to do so thou not so darest say I be nothing without them thou thou art art thine opus (and Jennifer Proske!! she brings out the best in everyone she meets, so everyone; be on the look-out. It would be to your benefit to meet this woman.)

My Blog


Alright everyones, a lot of you (my friends) might be from the san francisco area, and I want to let everyone know that my band Cavil At Rest ( is playing at the Cafe ...
Posted by The Fool Figurine on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 10:37:00 PST