I Love the Theatre World. Its so surreal. It so cool! I also love Recording, i have my own home recording studio and a couple of regular clients etc, i really should up load them on here so you all can have a listen. If you look at one of my blogs you'll see a video i made to for a singer who i manage!
I would say Eddie Izzard but ive already acomplished that! heehee! Love It!but other than that;Many many many interesting people
I love all kinds of music, Rock, Pop, Funk, R & B, Soul, Jazz, MOR....the list goes on and on and on!
I absolutly love Withnail & I, its pure genius! i also love, all the queens men, circus, the avengers, oceans 11 & 12, mary poppins (a very old childhood fave!)
I try not to watch too much t.v i find it wastes my life just staring at a box which is shovelling out rubbish at me 24/7 but i do have freeview which is wierd and so will sometimes watch ABC1 with 8 Simple Rules, Mad About You, Scrubs (i love scrubs) i have also found a new love (thanks to my house mate) for UKTV History and World at War, it sounds sad but its so interesting! Love it!
They're those things with words or summat in, i kinda lost interest in them when they stopped making them with the pictures by the side of the words....god damn social conforming!
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