Morbid Chid profile picture

Morbid Chid

We fight like Elvis.

About Me

Morbid Chid started out in 1993 with the members Ghost and Nail Picker. They wrote great death metal songs and had many gigs around the small country of Iceland, eventully, they became big enough to play in Norway, while there, Nail Picker took to much alchohol in his veins and passed out where he was raped to death by an Albino Obese Dwarf wih no fingers. After the death of Nail Picker, Ghost was alone in the band writing Goth songs about his pain losing his only friend, mentor and father.Morbid Chid's fame was slowly fading. Ghost couldin't handle it and started to kill himself slowly with a spoon, impailing himself every two seconds until he dozed off because of the blood loss. While in the hospital, getting a new liver (after destroying the last one) he met a mental patient called Charlie who had no legs. The divine comedy of seeing a fat crazy man with no legs cry made him happy again and the comedy was back in his body. Because of this, he let Charlie join his band, despite the fact that he tried to kill him twice on the way out.To get a new image, Ghost and Charlie went threw changes with the band, renaming it Morbidly Grinding Organs and getting new members, those members were Monafucker, Vaginal Destructor, Ape Shaw, Trubi, iNGO, The Magnificent Shannabah, Mr.Spertz, Jiminy Smiths and Rassi Prump (who would later call himself Chainsaw Smeggster in the new hit band Nocturnal Bath). They became the biggest death metal/comedy/christian rap band around, making billions of cash. This caused other bands to hate their guts. One day in 1999 while the band was playing a cool gig, they went backstage to gangbang a 12 year old girl, then out of the blue came the loser band Solin Hans Jons Mins who lost all their listeners to the awesome sounds of Morbidly Grinding Organs. They attack merciless. They killed Monafucker, Vaginal Destructor and Ape Shaw wich was terrible. But the rest of the band finished off the entire Solin Hans Jons Mins band and even raped their bodies after. Cops were on their ass. Mr.Spertz said that he had killed them and went to jail forever for the rest of the group. The band had lost most members.Jiminy Smiths (who became famous with his solo album and his other band CD "Jiminy Smiths the Midget and the Gas Mask Men) gave them a record deal and money after all his sucsess because he knew that he was rising to stardom and he would have to leave them behind. On their CD "Party at Nagasaki and Hiroshima" wich was realsed in 2000, he wrote most of the song as he had most talent, he even got GasMask Man, one of Iceland's biggest icon (who was the drummer for his other band) to help out. Later Ghost didin't want this pity and Morbidly Grinding Organs quicked working for their record. Jiminy asked them to reconsider but Charlie (being a drunken retard) attacked the Japanise Dwarf and beat the living crap out of him.This caused him to quit the band, Trubi left with him becoming the bass player to his band. GasMask Man stayed because he loves their work (as they inspired him to start in music) and loving their music. 2001-2002 they laid low, playing only classic songs in a couple of pubs and getting drunk and wasted until blood started dripping out of their ears. To be able to pay for the rent they had for a small buidling they all lived in they relesed the CD "Making Love to A Bear" wich still remains one of GasMask Man's favourite CD but was highly unpopular.Rassi Prump decided to try his luck elsewhere and left his past behind and started Nocturnal Bath, wich became Iceland's greatest hit since "Smeg on the Water" by Deep Purple Mushroom. iNGO and Ghost decided to write new material in late 2003 and so they did, Charlie (having a dangerous testicle cancer) quit the band and GasMask Man became he second singer for the band instead, and the three together decided to change the name back to Morbid Chid. In august 2004 they realised the CD "Smegging on your Anus" wich became a great hit. They were stars again.Going out of the underground they have been playing around the world from Iceland to Scotland and have relsed many CD's in 2005 including The Zombie With No Shoes, The Hunchback of the Ice Cream Store, Back to Morbidly Grinding Organs (wich is a tribute to all former members) and SMEG: Sega Master Emulator for Dream Cast.They even hired three of the most popular Underground Muscisians to join Morbid Chid : Romantic Lizard (who is also a porno star), Leafblender and Paul the Hobo. Morbid Chid started 2006 with a blast by releasing a new CD only in January wich was "Volcano Instructor" wich featued such hit songs as "Main Title Theme from Clockwork Warriors", "That Deformed Cylops is my Father" and "Stolen Bike", but what everyone didin't know is that the song Stolen Bike was infact based on true events when someone stole GasMask Man's bike. After the CD got released and got good reviews from all around the world, Ghost and GasMask Man went looking for the bike finding it at a home of one of their neighbours. They asked him why he took it and he told them that he was such a big Morbid Chid fan he wanted to get to know the guyes. After hearing this, Morbid Chid got their bike back and decided to get the man (named Davy McDonald) to jam with them for some fun. They found out that he had some talent and asked him if he wanted to join the band for a small time while he was looking for a real job, he was ofcourse honored. They named him Stealer for his wacky antics of stealing GasMask Man's bike over and over again.He was however not the last member to join the rag tag group of super-humans. The Band known as The Three B's who had been a buddy-band to Morbid Chid since 1994 were thinking about quitting. And instead of doing so, Ghost and GasMask Man asked them to join Morbid Chid, which they did gladly. They were Cyborg Hitler, Cock Mungler and Jim the Janitor. Now they are working on many new CD's and still playing around the world trying to make the world a more morbid place.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/25/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: iNGO (vocals), GasMask Man (vocals), Ghost (guitar/vocals), Romantic Lizard (keyboards), Paul the Hobo (drumms/vocals), Stealer (guitar), Cyborg Hitler (bass) (deceased), Cock Mungler (banjo), Jim the Janitor (broom), Blobby (dj/drumms) (deceased), Nocturnal Bath (guest members), Leafblender (flute and other crappy instruments) (in a coma) & Sanchoz El Hombre Magnificoiz (Love)
Sounds Like:
Record Label: A I D S
Type of Label: None

My Blog

WE ARE SORRY! (but we’re back! AGAIN!)

So.... we didn't do anything for our MySpace page for months.... however, we WILL be doing something spectacular... soon.... i guess...Not to worry, this page is not getting older or shoulder, we will...
Posted by Morbid Chid on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 08:07:00 PST

OUR MASTER RETURN! & A New Song! (and a list of the classic Chid songs)

Iron Man has reached more then 2000 hits and we have decided to remove it to make way for some of our other songs.(I also fixed the CD pics for allt he songs from 'There's a UFO in my Backyard' CD)We ...
Posted by Morbid Chid on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 06:38:00 PST

Morbid Chid will be officially taking a break

We have been dissasembled and decimated for the time being, so no new songs will be recorded. (enter sad smiley face here)But don't worry about a thing, Morbid Chid is still growing strong. And we wil...
Posted by Morbid Chid on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 01:43:00 PST


Someone broke Jim the Janitor's broom....AND HE'S PISSEDJust a heads up fo' everyone-GasMask Man...
Posted by Morbid Chid on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 09:11:00 PST

Lots and I mean LOTS of AIDS!!!

As many of you die hard fans have noticed, there has been very much inactivity on this blessed site. There is no reason for that, unless you count fighting midgets among dwarfs and a half Horese -Half...
Posted by Morbid Chid on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 04:29:00 PST

Download the newest and FIRST Morbid Chid CD's Fo' Free!

Download the all new Cannibals Devour Souls (2006) info.htmAnd ofcourse, download the VERY FIRST MORBID CHID CD EVER.. FROM !))# (1993)!!!!http://w...
Posted by Morbid Chid on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 02:18:00 PST

2 New Songs

We have taken out Skeletor and Power Stone (both me and Ghost think that theyre time here is over) and added two other cult favourites : The Lost Sword and Meatspin!Also, we've changed our profile a l...
Posted by Morbid Chid on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 02:30:00 PST

New Top Aids as well as random news

We have added new top eight (now more then eight) and Ghost and the rest of the wreckin' crew are back in buisness and we are hard at work on our latest CD but if you don't know you can listen to all ...
Posted by Morbid Chid on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:56:00 PST

If you are trying to talk to Ghost or others.... it's not possible.

Ghost, Romantic Lizard, Paul the Hobo, Jim the Janitor & Nocturnal Bath have all left the building at the moment.They went to Italy to party while the rest of us cry over it for not having enough ...
Posted by Morbid Chid on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 07:08:00 PST

R.I.P. Phil Hartman

Phil Hartman1948-19988 years ago today. We lost a king of comedy. Morbid Chid misses him.Rest in piece, Phil. ...
Posted by Morbid Chid on Mon, 29 May 2006 05:45:00 PST