Internet security, computer networks (layers 1, 2, and 3 of the OSI reference model to be exact), watching my son unconsciously emulate everything I say and do, watching my daughter develop into a teenager (gasp!)
In real life: Halle Berry and Reese Witherspoon (preferably at the same time.) In my dreams: Commander T'Pol , or Alyx Vance - or, again, both at the same time.
Pete Rock, ever since way back in college when my homeboy introduced me to "Mecca and the Soul Brother". I can still remember the day we bumped it in his jeep in Austin. (or was it his Beetle?) Since then I've collected all the Pete Rock I can get my hands on.The Roots, and pretty much anyone they've ever collaborated with. Tariq Trotter (Black Thought) is one of the most talented emcees this planet has known, IMO. If you debate that, well, you need to listen more closely :).Mos Def, Common (Sense), Thievery Corporation, BT, Hybrid, Linkin Park, Chick Corea, anything Chick Corea's ever touched (that's a long list, yo)digital underground
Trey Parker and Matt Stone movies (these are GUY, and really, really cool chick far I've only met two females that not only saw, but LIKED Orgazmo. I thought both times I might have died and gone to heaven.) And Baseketball was pure genius.Blazing Saddles - "Somebody's gotta go back and get a shitload of dimes!"Office Space prolly tops the list - it's pretty much an icon for Cubicle America.Old School. Earmuffs.Are you starting to see a pattern develop here?Blade, Blade II, Blade III. I heard that Wesley Snipes has wierded-out on me lately, but he was dope in Blade, Blade II, and Blade III. Even if the plot was kinda shaky in places, he was, well, he was still Blade.Napoleon Dynamite. That shouldn't surprise anyone...even though I have yet to finish it. Yes, I said it. If you're reading this, it's because I still haven't gotten all the way through this movie. Oh, look - something shiny!
Tom Clancy novels (read 'em all twice, about to start again while I wait for him to publish the sequel to The Teeth of The Tiger...and "computer" books. Naturally.
Dad, and...