Petrel is a unique, vibrant new band, consisting of three sisters. Fusing their own style of rock, pop, and a little bit of soul, the ambitious trio is out to achieve their goal of touching people the world over with their music. The girl's have performed throughout the U.S., Mexico, & Haiti. They've traveled the past three summers to Mexico bringing much needed food and clothing to impoverished children in the villages outside of Chetumal and Cancun. Humanitarian work has also been done in Port au Prince, Haiti. Their evening concerts in these cities of Mexico and Haiti draw thousands. In the U.S, they've played and performed numerous times in New York City venues in Greenwich Village. These ladies also performed at the "MJ- Thriller Fan Event", as well as an Orlando Magic/L.A. Lakers Pre-game show.
When it comes to the recording process, they're not only songwriters but also accomplished musicians. They record most instruments themselves, from the electric and acoustic guitars (Destiny) to keyboard and drums (Rebekah). Petrel has worked with Peter Zizzo (Avril Lavigne, Celine Dion, Vanessa Carlton, etc). Vocal coach Mark Goff (Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Britney Spears, Menudo, etc). Allen Salmon (Mute Math, Sanctus Real, This Beautiful Republic, The Undeserving). Jeff Savage (Jars Of Clay, Natalie Imbruglia, & Toby Mac.)
“We've witnessed music to be a medicine to uplift hearts. We've seen first-hand its power to transcend barriers and tear down the walls that separate us as humans. It's these experiences that have ignited a flame inside the three of us, a desire to cultivate our talents to the highest level and channel it to help and touch others.â€