our humanity will surpass our technology. profile picture

our humanity will surpass our technology.


About Me

there is passion inside me, unexpressed, which description fails to measure. it makes my face hot to consider it, becoming wrathful, angry with impatience.
i believe in the heart of the law.
love God with your heart, mind, soul, & strength.
love your neighbor, as yourself.
not, love your neighbor, not yourself.
not, love yourself, not your neighbor.
mother theresa would say "the fruit of love is service."
serve yourself well; in equal reflection, serve others.
love your neighbor, as, yourself.
Jesus Christ, come soon. now, define Jesus Christ. Acharya S. provides scorching support with stacks & piles of reasons why Jesus Christ never existed, but was a solar myth created as a tool for control by an international cabal of mystery school initiates at the library at alexandria, before it was destroyed. John Allegro believed that the new testament Jesus Christ never existed, but was a perfectly ingenious mushroom metaphor manufactured by a sun-worshipping supersexual fertility cult. personally, i'm all for lots of sun, lots of mushrooms, & lots of everbetter orgasms, but i still like to cling to the idea that Jesus Christ will come back as our righteous messiah. in the meantime, i will continue to consider every possible solution to life's puzzle as i can, but so far i'm not convinced that any possible solution could be made less exquisite by inviting Jesus Christ to it. what would you like to happen?
my philosophical disclaimer:
i may convince you of any number of things. but i can only prove one thing: how i feel. and i can only prove it to myself. my beliefs & my paradigm are acts of faith. and i believe you are the same as me in this respect.
an atheist is a fountain of faith indeed.
"i never really understood what eccentric meant until i met him."
- janet. maternal aunt. respected mother, retired postmistress.
ec'cen'tric n. One that deviates markedly from an established norm or pattern, especially a person of odd or unconventional behavior. See synonyms at strange.
i find myself torn between my compassion for humanity & my frustration with what we've become. torn between perpetually looking for the best in others & snapping to the center of a physical fury with the next person who looks for the worst in me.
odetoyourapathy odetoyourblindness odetoyourignorance odetoyourkindness
i look around sometimes & feel as though i've gone mad. i leaven my perspective by understanding that my heart, mind, & spirit, my actions & my desires, are centered around a concern for the well being of the group, not myself alone
& yet, as far out as my mind may reach, it is those around me, those who fail to dream, who believe in, prefer to, or find it easier to acknowledge limitations & reasons why not who are in greater need of help & are victims of neurosis more than me.
compassionate, heretical, iconoclast - the more i learn, the less i laugh.
the yin yang and zen of it
yin - never ascribe to eViL that which can be explained as a result of common stupidity.
yang - the greatest trick the deViL ever pulled was convincing people that he doesn't exist.
i will edify you because i want to empower everyone.
being right doesn't make me happy. improving the world for you makes me happy. your help in doing so brings me joy.
i am passionate. curious. trustworthy. loyal.
there are literally billions of people on this planet & i'm mostly alone. while i relish the time i've spent by myself answering my own questions, i'm tired of being alone.
"You are discerning. " she said abrubtly, with lustrous aplomb.
- Paula, a well travelled woman & respected elder among co-workers
adj. Exhibiting keen insight and good judgment; perceptive.

My Interests

polar opposites
my daughter
other people

public speaking
watching the sunrise
the sunset if i miss it.
making stuff up as i go along
i have a lot to say
anything physical
all animals; when all the animals are gone, i'm leaving. i dream hard & with my eyes wide open. i look for passion everywhere, especially in people. when i feel passion it fuels me. i am a kind person who knows the joy of selflessness. i give as well as i take & i relish taking. i enjoy using my imagination to come up with unasked questions & leveragable ideas. i love to laugh & L0ve to sing. WITH people. to people. i am athletic. i prefer function before form, but hopefully form will be there following. & God bless form. i enjoy being active; i love to try new things, foods, places, ideas, sports, hobbies.
let's meet at starbucks & plot a coup. aol im - "thetoastre"
yhoo im - "jtobiasl"

I'd like to meet:

i'd say someone who won't lie to me, but i don't want to die alone.
i just want to meet friends. old ones. new ones. real ones. suess ones. =)
as a percentage, one could argue that I know 0 of the 6.5 billion people on the earth. my goal is to know a lot more of them. i'm looking for people, who want to live so that when it's time to move on, they look back on their life with joy, not regret.

someone like socrates who understands that if your actions do not reflect your beliefs, you believe nothing. you are conflicted.
what you believe must be true or you become deluded.

we suffer delusion because we are used to being lied to.

as the truth illuminates, it reveals our reasons for clinging to life, exposing our agendas. most people fear being exposed, to them the truth is dangerous. so they reject it, as being exposed forces one to change. personal change is either feared, hated, or embraced. few embrace it.

socrates believed the unexamined life is not worth living. agreed.

the truth is divine, enabling us to examine our own lives, it exposes our motives so that we may alter them & change them for the better, or for the worse. but the choice is ours. growth is to seek the positive benefit in change. if it isn't growing, it is dying. gRoW0Rd13.

John 10:34 Jesus answered them, "Isn't it written in your law, I said, you are gods?
Psalms 82:6-7 6 I said, "You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High. 7 However, you will die like men & fall like any other ruler."

the truth has always been free. it seeks those who are bound. it is the lies that bind us. but when you embrace the truth, the truth will set you free. the truth is seeking us right now. it desperately wants us to be free. God is the truth.

enjoy: "100 Wonders of the World" "A Journey from Modern Science to the Mind of God"


emotion + communication, taken aurallynow playing:

tangerine dream - "loved by the sun"
last song: Jim Croche - Time in a bottle
up next - London Symphony Orchestra: Fanfare for the Common Man philosophy given talent, but regardless of genre, or time period, the measure of "good" in a song is a reflection of the passion within it. passion amplifies emotions.

sometimes however, the emotions, however passionately conveyed, or purely expressed, simply conflicts with the listener. the song is bad when this happens. & so most of all, bad songs suck.songs the propeller heads: take california
sysqo: thong song
pink floyd: wish you were here
queen: break free|we will rock u|who wants to live forever
kravitz: believe
etta james: at last
simon & garfunkle: if you'll be my bodygaurd
toni braxton: unbreak my heart|lovesong for a vampire
stoner witch (album)
hendrix: little wing|voodoo child
marylin manson: beautiful people
bob dylan: you belong to me
jimmy durante: as time goes by
pavarotti: nessun dorma
blind melon: change
josh grobin: starry night
eminem: one shot
eagles: hotel california
acoustic didjeridoo
& tribal drums
the perfect jewel (album)
enya opinion our emotions are innately powerful & we all have them. if someone can control your emotions, they can control you. powerful/passionate music is like an adrenaline drip joystick plugged into your heart & while there is a disconnection AVAILABLE between a person's emotions & their actions, the ability to control action contrary to emotion varies between persons & can require discipline many people don't have & don't care to cultivate. According to the bible, Satan is musically gifted. take heed.


the rose - the grail & the eye of horus

the rose - the grail & the eye of horus want to see:
team america
"'pi' (1996),"
"Jesus Christ - return of the King" (the matrix meets lord of the rings, meets braveheart, meets JESUS) reviews: spiderman: i like watching spidy swing through the city, reminds me of the ultimate roller coaster. i wonder, though, if that gets old after a while. i bet he wishes he had wings too. i think of how sad he must feel when he gets to the tallest building & realizes he can't go any higher.. :(

"that which makes you exceptional, if you are at all, is also that which makes you lonely." - can't remember favorite movies:
lawrence of arabia
ferris bueller's day off
the matrix
lord of the rings
the breakfast club


preface my current passionate curiosities are focused on religion, mycology, the panjandrum of our societal elite (the architects of chaos) & the historicity thereof, & nutritive health & human performance. what's interesting on tv:
i watch every episode of the john stewart, who is one of our finest contemporary jestors, on the daily show.
freedom tv (dish "fstv") - laudable. much needed reality check programming.
the history channel
the discovery channel
& ewtn


while you sleep, i read nonfiction. "this man from lebanon: a study of kahlil gibran" - barbara young, "jesus, son of man" - kahlil gibran "christianity & yoga: a meeting of mystic paths" - justin o'brien "soma shamans" - hawk & venus "frontal lobes supercharge" - t.d. lingo & neil slade "the man who tasted shapes" - richard cytowic "the hidden messages in water" - masaru emoto "children's past lives" - carol bowman "the biology of transcendance" - joseph chilton pearce "the franklin coverup" (2005 revised) - john decamp "unshackled: a survivor's story of mind control" - kathleen sullivan "living dharma - teachings of 12 buddhist masters" - jack kornfield "the warrior within: the philosophies of bruce lee" - john little "how to think like leonardo da vinci" - michael gelb "the sacred mushroom & the cross" - john allegro "mushrooms & mankind" - james arthur "joan of arc" - mark twain "suns of God" & "the Christ conspiracy" - acharya s. "polyamory - many loves" - janet kira lessen "the einstein factor" - wenger & poe "discover your genius" - michael gelb (among the "magic eye" cult products): "beyond 3d: improving your vision with magic eye" "boris vallejo's 3d magic" "disney's magic eye" "the visions of nostradamus" currently i'm reading,
"You have in your book deployed abundant evidence indicating that it is likely to be a very long time before such naturalistic [atheistic] explanations [for the origin of life and reproduction] are developed, if indeed there ever could be. . .I intend to reread The Wonder of the World at leisure. I was hugely impressed and substantially challenged by it."
—antony flew, the world’s best-known atheist and a critic of theism for more than 50 years fiction "jonathan livingston seagull" "the da vinci code" "angels & demons"when i visit the library next i will read about: constantine, mother theresa, the miracles of the saints, socrates,


Jesus Christ, the apostles, the saints, esp. mother theresa, john nash, gandhi, g.k. chesterton, bruce lee, alex jones & crew

My Blog

where is there fuel for the belief that our humanity will surpass our technology?

in reply to author acharya s. whose books include "suns of God," and "the christ conspiracy." Tuesday, January 30, 2007 acharya asked: "what do you call yourself?" here's the...
Posted by our humanity will surpass our technology. on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 07:37:00 PST

HappyNewYearsEveryone! I'm Deleting Ewe All From My Friends List. Please scroll down to read

HappyNewYearsEveryone. I'mDeletingAllOfEweFromMyFriendsListi have been reluctant to do this for the longest time, but the feeling inside me was always strong that i should do this. and right now that ...
Posted by our humanity will surpass our technology. on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 07:14:00 PST

re: the physical, mental, & financial subversion of society

i tried to post this as a bulletin 10 times unsuccessfully so i'm fucking pissed off and i'm just going to post this piece of shit right here. this is not the kind of crap i would normally write a blo...
Posted by our humanity will surpass our technology. on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 02:29:00 PST

spot the evil panjandrum. it's like where's waldo, but pertinent.

what is the illuminati? i believe more every day that david icke's ideas have remained marginalized for too long.video: "the origins of satanism"2-hour long explanation... a little dry, but very, very...
Posted by our humanity will surpass our technology. on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 01:09:00 PST

so much deception. who could be SO EVIL??? (another reason to reconsider david icke)

first, a definition: psychopath (si-'k?-pa(th') pronunciationn.A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or r...
Posted by our humanity will surpass our technology. on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 01:19:00 PST

expect tracking microchips delivered via toxic vaccinations. yes, subversively.

expect tracking microchips delivered via toxic vaccinationsyes, subversively.----subversiveadjDefinition: rebellious, destructive-----RE: Great Video about the Chip...You know that Chip...------------...
Posted by our humanity will surpass our technology. on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 11:17:00 PST

it's american, like apple pie, baseball, & the new world order.

"Loose Change" (second edition) the newest hustler magazine includes a discussion of 9/11.here is building 7, in the midst of an unstoppableconflagration, teetering on the brink of collapse, as ...
Posted by our humanity will surpass our technology. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

rocket fuel, it's what's for dinner.

months ago i read an article that suggested a large swath of the nation's supply of iceburg lettuce had been compromised, having been contaminated by highly toxic rocket fuel chemicals. i ...
Posted by our humanity will surpass our technology. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

cancer is not a chemotherapy deficiency.

before you allow another doctorto treat with chemotherapy,please remind her.January 21, 2005"Are you getting enough sun?"The Times OnlinePeta Bee"Research suggests that adequate levels of vitamin Dcou...
Posted by our humanity will surpass our technology. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

nash's equilibrium, incomplete.

i've been a long time fascinated by the capacities of the human mind. genius, the higher eschelons of human performance. it goes back at least as far as my first years in grade school when my be...
Posted by our humanity will surpass our technology. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST