i'm 5'3 Wit tHree in. HeELs. HAtE bEiNg qUiet, BoReD, YuCkY, sTiCKy, mESsy. LuV to tAlk, Play, pARty, eAt, sLEep, gIGGles, moST iMporTantly get DruNk wit ALL mY fRenz. i'LL bOrrOW my ShouLdErs if U NeeD tO CRY, i'LL BrinG doWn Da mOOn if U WanT tO SEE, i'LL bUY u A DrInK if u R DoWn. U Kno wHat MAkEs mE haPPy, gIvE mE a BiG CheeSy sMiLE wHEN U sEE Me.*more pics on my sister, tenile's page!!!*embed enableJavascript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" src="http://lads.myspace.com/slides/slideshow_random.swf?u=1
96835" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="426"