Brittney ~Child Of Sin~ profile picture

Brittney ~Child Of Sin~

Your love hurts my brain!

About Me

My name is brittney and im not your average teenager.. Your friends are prolly cooler than mine - and your prolly prettier than me. Im an average person with gothic tendancies. I would much rather watch a hockey game than a chick flick. I would rather go see a local rock band then fuckin hanah montana. I am a decent guitar player. I hope to have some kind of carrer or side carrer in music. Some of my other hobbies are watching hockey/baseball/football, playing sports, and listening to good rock and roll.I am a HUGE Alter Bridge fan! I attend specs howard school of broadcasitng and plan on going into radio production and/or sound board operations.I will forever have a passion for studying the weather. I love the Detroit red wings - ecspecially Henrik Zetterberg. While you are here go check out the local rock bands in my top friends - they all rock (alter bridge-not local) PS dont fuck with my friends....just dont....
You Are Beer!
You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars.
More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends.
And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper.
But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!" What Alcoholic Drink Are You? .

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

ALTER BRIDGE, OVERLOADED, the weather, suppourting local rock bands here in michigan. Going to local rock shows. Hanging with my best friends Randy, Billie ,Kim, Nick, Raychell, Erica and many others! PLaying softball/hockey Watching The red wings and NCAA football. Going to Tigers games (baseball).Having a good time. and did i mention LOCAL ROCK SHOWS WOOHOOO!
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I'd like to meet:

Over 35? wanna hook up with me, forget it! Ill block you..anyways... ALTER BRIDGE FANS!!! If someone made me chose a "group" of ppl to hang out wiht i guess i would say straight up rock and roller's...or anyone that isnt afraid to go have a good time without spendin 100$ and isnt afraid to make mistakes. I try to fit in just about everywhere but i tend to hang out with alot of older ppl (and i really dont know why-maybe a maturity thing?) I LOVE PUPPIES!


First and formost ALTER BRIDGE, What was Slave to the beautiful, Broadzilla, Soul circus, Radiocraft, Crud, alot of other fine local talent, Motley crue and The Cult are favs of mine, Sixx am, creed, godsmack, seether, avenged 7fold, Some lamb of god, Opeth, Zeppelin, Almost everything that has to do with 80's rock/metal including those big haired bands like twisted sister and poison! A lil bit of country and a few rap songs in the mix - if it makes me move i like it!


THE BREAKFAST CLUB! Armageddon, Rockstar, The day after tommorow, Bad santa, half baked, scarface, Blades of glory, Both slapshot movies, All the might ducks films final destination 1 and 2...i dont reall watch too many movies...16 candles and fried green tomatoes are cool too


Hockey and baseball, college football, Mind freak


the only ones ive liked were speak, jim morissons biography, hero, and heroine diaries, plan on reading slashs bio though, im not a big fan of books unles its about rock and roll and drug users and stuff - really intriues me to understand their mind and struggles


MARK TREMONTI for being as incredible as a guy as a guitarist! ALTER BRIDGE (the whole band) JOHN AVEDISIAN!- he is a huge influence to me - and truly a GREAT GUY! RANDY "Randal Scandal" - For being the prime example of what the world needs' a fun loving kind hearted no strings attached friend! I love you! ABE "babe" - I dare you too meet a person that is more fun than abe, he is quite the great person! MOM AND DAD - for standing behind me no matter what. RAYCHELL MAY (broadzilla) For being such a huge rock and roll inspiration to me and for her friendship.CHERI AND BILLIE for being the big sisters i dont have,"SCREAMIN SCOTT" RANDALL from 101 WRIF, MARILYN MANSON, Erik Kluiber,Criss Angel, Henrik Zetterberg, Suzie Ferro, KT and the soul circus boys, and last but not least..SPIDER MAN And of course, THE CULT!

My Blog

What an ALTER BRIDGE night!

PHEW! wow im jsut now getting my head back on straight, everytime i see alter bridge it seems to take me at least 5 hours to remember what relaity truly is! When their playing, nothing exist, its like...
Posted by Brittney ~Child Of Sin~ on Wed, 21 May 2008 10:03:00 PST

If i were president.......

ok, so i was pondering while weed whipping today, what would i make ilegal and legal as president.....o boy are you guy's in trouble LEGAL Driving with no seat belt - look if you wnana be a stupid fuc...
Posted by Brittney ~Child Of Sin~ on Tue, 06 May 2008 06:26:00 PST

Who made the bestie boss cut....

Alright here it goes - nick im sort of stealing your idea sorry bud....but it seemed fun to let some light out on some ppl i couldnt live without - cause their totally BOSSES! BOSS UP *o so gangsta lo...
Posted by Brittney ~Child Of Sin~ on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 08:48:00 PST

benn tagged...and have to do it and you do too or monkeys will attack you

im serious - flying monkeys will come out of your closet tongiht and kill you if ou dnt do this once tagged you ahve to post 10 things ppl dont know about you.... this ones for billie... 1 - so i onc...
Posted by Brittney ~Child Of Sin~ on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 06:44:00 PST

Last night....Broadzilla.....

Last night Broadzilla assisted in me kicking my own ass! Man am i SORE! My neck is barley moveable and my arms are a bit touchy......BUT OMG was it WORTH IT! Those chickas fuckin ROCK, tahts a severe ...
Posted by Brittney ~Child Of Sin~ on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 10:33:00 PST

Friendship - some positive light

OK ive been tearing shit to shreds in my rants..the world honestly fuckin desrves it! but i wanted t take time out and give a take on friendship - what i feel it is - what it isnt - and why my friends...
Posted by Brittney ~Child Of Sin~ on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 10:23:00 PST

ok, look....(rant) more added and to come

well im adding more here - thats the edit part...want to first of all say no i am not trying to be funy - i have  tendancy to be sarcastic - but nothing is funny about the sad world today....and ...
Posted by Brittney ~Child Of Sin~ on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 05:36:00 PST

new lyrics - "the unknown"

Dead skin falls from broken handsSee These hands are mineCracked and bleeding in disbeliefIve stood here all this timeYou've led me to believe in thingsI didn't want to seeIn this deceit why do iStill...
Posted by Brittney ~Child Of Sin~ on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 07:00:00 PST


the offical review right here folks - great site - and Mark is AWESOME! check it out p;task=view&id=110&Itemid=36...
Posted by Brittney ~Child Of Sin~ on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 07:25:00 PST

Slave to the beautiful, soul circus - good fiends and my BASH!

Ahhhh finally around to bloging this - his will be long i assure you! but very worth a read! The night was long awaited! I was so excited when i got there to see how many ppl came out to have some hal...
Posted by Brittney ~Child Of Sin~ on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 02:20:00 PST