Tabtrick Studios profile picture

Tabtrick Studios

Music is emotions expressed in their purest form.

About Me

It has always been a dream of mine to have a home recording studio - a place where I could explore my various musical ideas and record them. With tremendous help and support from San Francisco based producer/engineer Duane Ramos of Different Fur Recording ( ) I have finally graduated from the days of limited 4-tracking with the Tascam Portastudio to the world of unlimited tracks with endless possibilities.
Although most people know me as a guitarist, New Age/Contemporary piano is my first love, but I rarely play piano in front of other people. Much of what I will eventually present will probably be very mellow, piano oriented music. But I'm sure the guitar will find a way to be heard as well. I also love to transcribe songs & hope to find a way to make those transcriptions available as well.
In the mean time I apologize, as this page will be "under construction" and rather plain for a while as I try to decide how I want it to look.
The song that is posted titled "Improvisation" is pretty much just that. I had FINALLY set up all my recording equipment and wanted to quickly multitrack something...just because I now could! I had no ideas and no direction musically, so I just made something up on the spot and kept it regardless whether it was good or not. After all, it wasn't something I planned on keeping so I didn't really care.
I played a D on a strings patch, which left things open for me to play pretty much anything I wanted as long as it was in the same key. I came up with a simple guitar line and added another harmony guitar part to fatten it up a little. I took a cello patch and played a simple high-pitched melody, which to me turned it into something "my mom would totally dig!"
I finally added some piano for contrast. But by the time I added the piano I wasn't really in the mood to record anymore so I just did one take and called it quits. I never went back to work on this idea again and as a result there are a few sour piano notes that are all to audible. For that I apologize.
The only reason I put this idea up is because it's the only decent quality recording that I have that has any sense of structure. Everything else is currently still in the "ideas" stage. It's not a great idea and I am rather embarrassed by it, but then again I'm embarrassed by everything I write, so it's a good opportunity to try and get over that!
The second song is an excerpt from a three-part song I am working on titled "A View From Above" I have since added more to this particular song, which will eventually be the second of the three.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/31/2007
Type of Label: Indie