Keeping the Aina(land) Kai(Ocean) Clean...Helping Non-profit organizations...
The Trump Man, Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen Covey, John C.Maxwell Any billionaire that has great skills and willing to teach me the secret of success...
Jah' awaiian musix.. Black Eye Peas.. Korn... Altogether Sepreate...P.O.D....Incubus...Zap N Roger....Oldies...Slow jams...Jazz...Earth wind and fire...Nas....Jay Z....L L cool J...Dough E fresh....Kid Rock...Pretty much everything....Defining the element of music!
Bruce Lee's Flixs...North shore...Serendipity...Scareface...50 first dates...Big trouble in little china....The last Dragon...Rambo....Rockie...Die Hard...I can go on!
Weather Channel....Espn sports.....24...Greg's...Def Jam...Really don't have a favorite T'v show...
The one minute Millionaire....any Robert Kiyosaki books...Eddie Aikua....Michael Dells (Bio)...any Stephen Covey's books...John Grishams books...Robert Allen's books...and so can never be bored reading good books!
The one and only God...He is my hero