Playing with my Son and spending time with my husband; Music - listening to EVERYTHING and singing (karaoke nights w/Summer are the best!!); talking to my sister on the phone - everyday; dogs; horseback riding; swimming; basking in the sun; photography - especially photographing the ocean; the lost art of letter writing; shopping; cleaning my house; interior decorating; my car; watersports; palm trees; making time for people and things that matter most...
and PIRATES!!! And their treasures of rum- drink up me 'artys YO HO!!
...The soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window....Yep, that's at my house!!!
I would like to meet Julia Roberts- a legend in her own time; Vincent Spano; Christie Brinkley; Roseanne.
Not necessarily in any particular order of course, my music taste changes like a chameleon and is as diverse as my moods. My faves would take days to list, but here are some of the top dogs!
Duran Duran :: Elvis :: John Taylor :: Patsy Cline :: Melissa Etheridge :: Kiss :: Booker T and The MG's :: Frank Sinatra :: Whitesnake :: Mr. Rattlebones - with thundering Chris Olney bass licks and the illustrious vocal stylings of David Miller :: Thin Lizzy :: Steve Sogura :: George Strait :: Engelbert Humperdinck :: Aerosmith :: Rod Stewart :: Blue Murder :: Robert Palmer :: Bad Influence :: Non-Threatening Shrimp and The Flapjacks! :: C.R.E.W.L. :: The Gap Band :: Motley Crue :: INXS w/ Michael Hutchence :: Pantera :: Love Lode :: No Doubt :: Abba :: Van Halen :: Billy Joel :: Tesla :: Carly Simon :: The Cure :: Soul Sirkus :: Fountains of Wayne :: a LOT of soundtracks :: this, that, and obviously...EVERYTHING in-between...
Here are some of my faves w/ fave quotes :: Thelma & Louise - "I've had it up to my ass with sedate!" :: Sugar Town - "..Shit on a Stick..." :: Sixteen Candles - "She got married?!!" "Yeah, married! Geez!" :: Erin Brokovich - "They're called boobs, Ed" :: Indian Summer - "No shit, the munchies! I forgot all about the munchies!" :: ...About Last Night - "No Dan, we were bowling partners" :: To Kill A Mockingbird - "Hey, Boo.." :: Pirates of the Carribean - "Drink up me heartys, YO HO!" :: Rock Star - "Oh no, no.. I could make you a pair of those. But first you gotta tell me what you shove in there to make people think you're a guy" :: American Graffiti - "Your car is as ugly as I am...oh, that didn't come out right!" ::
:: Beverly Hills 90210 :: Roseanne :: Sex and the City :: Friends :: (All the best one's are over but for the re-runs!!) :: America's Next Top Model ::
Stephen King books, The Dirt by Motley Crue; Smashed by Koren Zalickas, To Kill A Mockingbird, and I know Valley of the Dolls would be a favorite if I ever got around to reading the whole copy that my killer niece sent to me...
:: My Mom - because I am who I am today because of everything she was - I only hope I can be at least half the Mom she was :: Chris - for putting up with me longer than anyone ever has and for making many of my dreams a reality :: Christie Brinkley :: Sharon Camarillo ::