aarrjj profile picture


The man who has no imagination has no wings - M. Ali

About Me

i'm just aarrjj. mostly chill always down. experiece is my love. i'd do almost anything once as long as it doesn't kill me or cause me to be an addict. i also love my family and i truly cherish my real friends. i'd die for them. what can i say - i'm a giver. people, culture, design, and creativity are my passions. give me a new spot to divide and conquer and i'm there in a heartbeat. i like it when my heart skips a beat - it means life is exciting and i really like excitment. learning is exciting and i'm all about learning because life is learning and you can never know enough. when is enough really enough? Probably never but this i take into discussion with God. i hope he tells me what i need to know. i'm probably not listening half the time - I guess that's what makes me human. being on this earth is great. i have lots of ups and lots of downs but somewhere in between i feel like i'm really living. i like living it up. i work hard - i play hard. just ask anyone who knows me. i'd like to meet everyone in this world and hear about their life stories (as long as their not total pricks). I like meeting people and getting to know them. i also like watching people. i'm a people watcher. the beautiful ones i try to latch on to. yes i like beautiful people and i really enjoy great inner beauty. it's the person that counts, ya know. what can i say - i'm just aarrjj. mostly chill and always down =)
Tha FYI - Here's the basics I'm a mutt or as someone much cooler put it "a cocktail". Filipino-Chinese-Spanish. Born in the Filipines but came to the states early on. That's right I'm 100% FOB. Some of my friends make this joke about “who is the real RJ de Vera” because I have so many hats to wear. To me I'm just another guy trying to be somebody wanting to make some sort of difference in this world that we live in by trying to inspire and help others in some way, shape, or form. I love inspiring others – it’s such a great feeling when you’ve been able to do something that has a positive affect on other peoples. The way I see it, I’m just the guy next door trying to get through life like the rest of the world – trying to experience everything the world has to offer and trying not to get to caught up in the wrong things. Luckily for me, I’ve been blessed with a great family and wonderful friends who have inspired me to be a better person day by day, month by month, year by year. I'm also a total dreamer - always jumping off cliffs. I never know if I'll fall flat on my face or soar really high but I'll always take that chance. I guess I have a lot of belief in myself. I believe that your not living life unless your experiencing it to the fullest. The wonderful and/or dreadful experiences that I have had have lead me to feel on top of the world or down in dumps but I think I think you need to experience both sides of the field to really be able to appreciate the blessings that God gives to us.
Currently my life revolves around cars. It consumes my life both in work and fun mode. I just can't get it out of my blood. Well, not yet at least and I don’t know if I’ll ever get it out of the system but for now I’m having lots of fun so let's just say that it may be like this for a while. I do like to try new experiences and I’m always down to learn new things so I wouldn’t be surprised if one day I just woke up and decided to do something completely different. If any of you find some cool new things to do or check it – holla at brotha. I’ll do almost anything once unless it’ll kill ya. I want to stick around if you get my drift. I am a total traveler. I love checking out new places and finding new stomping grounds to party at around the globe so if anyone ever feels like having a fieldtrip to any cool places - count me in! Well, that's the skinny on me. If you want to know anything else – just drop a line…
My 5 seconds, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes of fame. LOL
My work as a part time actor/glorified extra and tv personality
Arco Commercial - Shot 9 Years Ago
Fast and Furious - Shot 8 Years Ago
Trick It Out - Shot 2 Years Ago
A little bit of fame

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A short recap on the last 14 years of my work life
A night to remember

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My Interests

Shooting photos, traveling to new lands and experiencing new things, watching movies, racing cars, indoor karting, checking out art and landscapes, admiring creative design, thinking, writing, blabbling, "conceptualizing", catching up with friends , Sake tasting, partying my ass off, and the car stuff that rule my life - oh yeah can't forget the long walks on the beach accompanied by meaningful conversations - yeah!

I'd like to meet:

cool peeps wanted =) a-holes need not apply =(


Hip Hop, R&B, Top 40, Alternative, Electronic, Funk, Old School, Grunge, Rock, 80s - basically everything but Country (just don't have that country rythem or swagger)


Swingers, Usual Suspects, Rush Hour series, Austin Powers series, and the Kill Bill Duo("that girl deserved her revenge")




Magazines please - ID, Wall Paper, Formula 1, Details, Entreprenuer, Fortune, Surface, FHM, Stuff, Dwell, Wired, Fast Company, Graphis, and most anything automotive. Oh yeah and those damn books that tell what traits your suppose to have and who your suppose to be compatible with


My Mother (who we all call turbomom) and those that overcome the impossible - someone wise once told me "Never say Never!"

My Blog

Rice Boy TV invades our house

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80sjGwyKnuk Rice Boy John Naderi hangs out with RJ, Fred, and Jerry at the pad....
Posted by aarrjj on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:12:00 PST


Visit http://www.boostmobilecommunity.com/vip/ to sign up and win this ride!Here is the skinny on the Boost Mobile Mazda RX8Project PhilosophyThe concept of the Boost Mobile RX 8 is to create a top-of...
Posted by aarrjj on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 12:16:00 PST

WIN THIS NEW ROUSHCHARGED MUSTANG GT-V at www.valvolinechallenge.com

Tired of your beater and need a new ride. Win a brand spanking new Mustang styled by yours truly. Check out the project brief.Mustang GT-VProject PhilosophyThe concept of the Roush Mustang GT-V (V for...
Posted by aarrjj on Sat, 10 May 2008 05:45:00 PST

Looking for a new interactive adventure? Visit www.THELOSTRING.com

For you mystery solvers and interactive types  there's a new cyberspace adventure that was recently launched. It was referred to me by a friend who knows that I'm a Heroes (TV Show) fan and as a pers...
Posted by aarrjj on Sat, 10 May 2008 05:35:00 PST

Chasing that Pot of Gold

There are days when I am in complete awe - when life is out of control - when I just can't believe what's going on and when life is beyond a dream. Then there are days when life has gone beyond out of...
Posted by aarrjj on Mon, 14 May 2007 02:43:00 PST

Some people are worth the hearthache

We've all said that God works in mysterious ways and it's my belief that he puts us through hardships to show us things that we don't see. We get brought to the edge of reason and to the breaking poin...
Posted by aarrjj on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 10:20:00 PST

My Story - Part 2

Here is the second follow up piece to my story. This was also an editorial in Modified MagazineMy success in the automotive industry is fueled by the willingness to continue progressing no matter what...
Posted by aarrjj on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 09:17:00 PST

My Story - Part 1

Most of you won't care but some people might since some have asked for it. Thought it might be cool to share. This is an editorial out of Modified MagazineMy humble beginnings was fueled simply with t...
Posted by aarrjj on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 08:52:00 PST

Living for those Perfect Times

Like most people, I complain most of the time. Maybe it's because I'm always looking for greener pastures. Like most people, I think the grass is greener on the other side. I highly doubt it is but I...
Posted by aarrjj on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Never Happy Club

Man, it's been a while since I've written anything here. It's the holiday season and tons have gone on since the spring. One thing I've noticed is that for some reason - I'm never happy. Don't get me ...
Posted by aarrjj on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST