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Me in Libria.A normal day.Thank you for coming, Cleric. I assume you know who I am.Yes, Sir, of course. You are Vice-Council Dupont of the third counciliarly of the Tetragrammaton - Father's voice.Quite frankly, Cleric, I am told that you are very nearly a prodigal student, knowing almost instantly if someone is feeling.I have a good record, Sir.Why do you imagine that is, Cleric?I'm not sure, Vice-Council. Somehow ... I'm able, on some level, to sense how an offender thinks, to ... put myself in their position.If you had ceased your interval, If you were a sense offender ...I suppose you could say that, Sir.You're a family man, Cleric?Yes, Sir - a boy and a girl. The boy's in the monastery himself, on path to becoming a Cleric.Good. And the mother?My spouse was arrested and incinerated for sense offense four years ago, Sir.By yourself?No, Sir - by another.How did you feel about that?I'm sorry. I don't ... fully understand, Sir.How did you feel?I didn't feel anything.Really? How is it that you came to miss it?I ... I've asked myself that same question, Sir. I don't know.A nearly unforgivable lapse, Cleric. I trust you'll be more vigilant in the future.Yes, Sir.EQUILIBRIUM
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