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About Me

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Top poster, so start at bottom.
Prolly tl;dr
Cliff notes: blah blah blah
If I am making any sense: your addicted to the interweb, please reboot.
But first... A carrot!

Date: 23th of Julius 007
Some info about my background picture. Location is Goa, Calangute, beachshack Third Eye. Tis the one which lies higher than all other beachshacks. On the picture there are three persons. The little kid on the left is one smart cookie. He has discovered that being sweet to Swedish tourists results in free cash and bikes. The other two are, of course, Swedish tourists. The Swedish bloke went ape-shit-crazy from extensive drug use. He even attacked my good friend Shiva. Next day he doesn't even remember what he did, and is heavily medicated. The beachshack is owned by Shiva, and yes, the Swedish boy wonder just kept on visiting the place. Owned by the man he attacked. Go figure.
This Swedish guy had been advised to stop doing drugs and alcohol, since the meds might conflict with these substances and cause more trouble. His girlfriend, a nurse, tried to keep him away from drugs and alcohol... But Shiva and the I don't care if this fucker fucks himself up even more. So when he asks for a drink, we bring him his licor disguised as a Fanta, so that his bitch doesn't bark. And when the man asks for dope, I get it for him. Why? Well we're not his dad, and we really hated Swedish tourists. They only drink and take drugs, but can't handle the result. So by giving drugs to the boy, we hoped he would either really lose it, or that his girl would take their bags and leave. Which didn't happen.
Apparently those Swedish liked us? It seemed all the Swedish in Callangute flocked to this beachshack. Don't ask why, we didn't know. Well that's something about my background (picture).

Date: 8th of Julius 007
Lately I have changed my poker game. Before I played "by the book" ABC tight azz poker. This showed a decent profit, but nothing special. And it was boring sometimes, felt like fishing. Just waiting for a big hand and a opponent who wants to lose all his money.
But the past 1.5 months I have changed my ways. Instead of playing few hands, now I play them all. Instead of rarely showing aggression, now I am betting, raising and bluffing left and right. Most of my opponents think I suck. But since I suck I have been winning big time. About 3-4 times as much as before. And it is fun. For me. My opponents either walk away or get really mad. And the only thing they want is to rob me. So I rob them. But who cares. I am a donkey. Consider it a loan. Vist 2+2 and read those books and become goot like the pro's. I found out those books are all kinda crap and trivial. Poker is not a game of odds and cards. It is a game of PEOPLE, BALLS AND FEAR. If you know your opponents, have no fear and balls of steel you wil win. Otherwise not.
I am not saying the cards and the odds don't matter. But knowing them will not make you a winning player. Better know your enemy, and find out what he fears the most. And use that fear to beat him. Read Machiavelli (Il Duce) or Sun Tzu (Art of War) for more info.
Anyways I dropped down to 2NL (6max) 1.5 months ago playing 80/40 and after first crushing 2nl and 5nl, I am moving up to 10nl. I wonder how much I need to adjust.

Date: 6th of Julius 007
Passed the exam. Got my master and can now put Ir. in front of my name.
Not all that happy though... The good times are over, 9-5 nightmare commencing. I only know 1 thing. That 9-5 thing aint gonna last for more than 10 years. I am not THAT stupid.

Date: 5th of Julius 007
Tried and tested my presentation today twice, all looks good.
Still a lil bit nervous for the pres, but it should go ok. Last presentation I totally choked, and had no idea what the f I was talking about. Still passed. And now I know what I am talking about.
The only problem is stage-fear, strange for someone who loved to act as a kid. But then again, when I was I kid, I also had stage fear. Needed it to perform I guess.

Date: 4th of julio 007
LOL got the job, friday finished at school, starting with work, next monday...
Guess I need to postpone my vacation till december. Ah swell.

Date: 3th of jules 007
I luv them teacher at mi school, problem is...
They are human, resulting in mistakes made by me and them. This caused me in bein sick to the stomach yesterday. After months of trying to fix my errors, I finally thought everything was e ok. Not so.
Yestereve read a mail saying that all mistakes to be made have been made by the I. Thank Jah for my good teach Marc, who is currently trying to fix things. My faith in him is great, so in a few hours i expect things to be ok again.
Wish me luck. We all need it.

Three hours later everything is ok. Blame of the mistakes no longer on me alone... The shitsem is shitty, resulting in lots of needless troubles.
I proposed to create a new information system. One which guides future students during exams. A system with fail-safes, which warns students of tasks which need to be completed. Before entering the next stages in the intricate proces of graduation.
They liked my idea, so after graduation my marriage with the Uni will continue. Mabbe I can create a new shitsem, which can be ported to commercial companies.
Boooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg??? ?????
Off to mi future job, meeting with some Micr o so soft lady discussing my further miseducation. S gonna b expensive fo su, hope I can prove to my future employer that Im worth the investment.
Tomorrow I'm gonna try to fix a problem which has been bugging them for a while, so. If I succeeed....

date 2nd of jules 007
EDIT: just venting... but anyways....
Babylon is falling. A lot of mi own are suffering cos of Babylon. These are all good people, who don't deserve it, but what's new. I wish I could do something, but the devil has tied our hands to our backs.
But Babylon is falling I tell ya. And upon its ashes Camelot is built, already...
Already, when I look over my shoulder I see hapiness abound. At places where a year ago only tears fell. I see Camelot in mi own yard. I say to you: Talking about Babylon is an exercise in futility. Becos Babylon has no power, once we stop giving it power.
So I say to ya'll out there: stop talking about the things you have not. Stop talking about the bad things in your life. You are wasting energy! You are feeding Babs!
Start instead talking about what you have, and what it is that you can give back to the world. The world that has given you life, the world which in fact defines you. The world which is a reflection of your inner self... By focussing on that which is good, we will change the world into the place it was, before the times of money, greed, fear, famine and war.
You know... At places where there is a light, there can not be darkness. So be that light, be that flame, and together we will turn things around. Trust me, it is that easy. Greetings and salutions from one of us, to all of us

Funnie pietoeres

Thanks for visiting mi mispace. As a token of appreciation please consider this carrot.

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My Interests

programming, nerding, coding, web design/building and other BOOOOORING shit
Good food

Good movies and company

family, PLUR

I'd like to meet:

The Easter Bunny, Santa, The Toothfairy
Pikachu. Lost him in Viridian City


All music, except Danny Christian and Rob de Nijs


Click on images below to view trailer! Trailer will open in seperate window, NJoY!


tv sucks btw


NLTAP, HEPFAP, HOH1,2,3, Das Perfum, Il Duce Machiavelli, Clockwork Orange, Weaveworld,
!!!!!!!THE DICEMAN!!!!!!!


Mom n Dad, dont have heroes, rather live up to be myself.