Welcome to the Peace House. What is the Peace House you ask? Well..it is my house, that is, mine (Jason) and my lovely wife's (Penny Jo) house. We call it the Peace House because Penny Jo got bored one day and took some barbed wire and crafted a large peace sign out of it, tacked it to the side of the house with lights and creepy, crawly vines. Thus, the Peace House was born. We have been doing house concerts in one form or another for the past few years at various locations but, since we moved to this new house with its HUGE backyard and GIANT tree hanging over the porch, we could think of nothing better to do with it than invite some of our lovely musician friends over to entertain us and whom ever else would want to join in the fun. The next Peace House show is coming up soon. Keep watch on the page for dates. I am still learning this whole My Space thing so, bear with me. That's it for now, I'm gonna leave you with one of my fave quotes by the bard himself. It seemed appropos:"The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils."Peace...
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