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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorMyGen Profile GeneratorMyGen Profile Generator..I'm just a laid back type of person that knows when it's time to get serious. I treat everyone with respect, and I hate being disrespected. As much as I love talking and getting to know others, I'm a pretty quiet guy sometimes and stick to myself. I don't like anything that is remotely close to ignorance, so don't act like one and expect me to find it funny.

My Interests

Please click on one of the banners and show your support!!! Thank You. ..Aeroplanes, cars, books, movies, soccer, football, rugby, cricket[The Sport], talking and meeting interesting people, reading, and umm.... listening to music....tons and tons of music.... Walks on the beach back home, watching the sunset. Hanging out on a friday or any other day with my friends, even though we talk about crap that don't even matter."True Love is the soul's recognition of it's counter part" "Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to tear them down"..

I'd like to meet:

..Basically anyone that I've had the oppurtunity to converse with but never saw face to face. Couple of them know who they are, the other may not. Hey, atleast I won't just show up to ya house unexpected. That's that stalker crap, and I'm not into that. Can't wait to see my little girl again, Lord knows that I miss her with all my heart and soul. And those pearly gates upstairs, waiting patiently for that day when we shall all return to the place where we came from...


I'm a very eclectic person so I basically listen to anything...but most of the time I listen to rock.


There are so many i can list, but i just don't have the time.....maybe later on I will list them out. But my favorite genre would have to be romance. Or just a movie that makes you wonder what if. And for anyone who likes that genre, "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind," and "The Jacket," are two wonderful movies to check out.


I don't watch too much television, but I do enjoy watching a few sports like nascar races and football. Movies on HBO, especially their original series. The News; got to stay on top of what's happening around me and all over the world. Sitcoms, documentories, anything from an educational aspect...


Oh dear......I can't remember the last book I read....but I do know that it kicked ass. As a child growing up with an aunt that was a teacher, and a book worm, I developed the itch for reading at a young age. My all time favorite writer has to be John Grisham. My favorite book from him is The Jury. Very excellent book with twists and turns to keep you interested. Lately I have been very bored, so I think I would be picking up some of those old favorites sometime soon...


God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit. My aunt(she is my biggest hero). Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, Sarah O'Toole and Boon for inspiring me with their wonderful music. And the next person that saves me from near death experience or just something horrible. Ok that was a bad joke, but we'll see who saves me next...