Nick-tionary ,, profile picture

Nick-tionary ,,

The greatest lovers were muderers first

About Me

Are these helicopters for me? Have I been appointed to speak? Then I'm going to Hell, and I'm taking the renaissance with me.

Just Cruisin'

My Interests

My family, friends, having a good time, music, cooking, eating, movies, sleep, exploring shit, animals, bowls, tattoos, surfing, skating, hiking, camping, riding bikes, jeans, the color black, t shirts, ben davis', sauconys, jacks, new balance, hats, breaking stuff, foul language, sexy time, $$$, hookah, and jibberish.

I'd like to meet:

She goes....

"Boom Swagger Swagger Boom Boom Swagger Boom Boom Boom!"


Mostly Hardcore, Punk, Hip Hop, Metal, Grind, Rocker shit, Wierd shit, and anything that sounds good.


Train spotting, Requiem for a dream, Fear and loathing, 40 Year Old Virgin, Boondock Saints, Scarface, Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Casino, The shining, Waiting, Clerks 1-2, Southpark and well lots of shit I love movies.


I like to watch ..aries on anything interesting really. Other than that its all just random shit I watch to waste time when im tired.


Dantes Inferno


Every rose has its thorn

My Blog

Suck a bag -o- dicks

SUCK A BAG OF DICKS!!!!!!   8==D~~~(in a bag)...
Posted by Nick-tionary ,, on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 10:17:00 PST