*RoZiK@* a.K.a *piNk_GirL* profile picture

*RoZiK@* a.K.a *piNk_GirL*


About Me

Hello =) I'm a little pink girl, who loves the colour of PINK, all my dearest frends, who I love the most, music, without whitch i realy can..t live, dance, with all my heart and laugh UNtill my stomach hurts. I just like parties and having fun ^^i'm full of positive energy, so when u see me i will always be good mood and I will make you laugh, if you like it or not :) specialY if I take some drinks:D I can dance all night and this I wouldn..t change for nothing in the whole world. I'm happy with little things (it..s what really matters in life)...specialy if it..s something pink =) I love to live my life and just beeing happy. I really don't understand people who are always sad, becaouse life it's tooooo short, to be like thath! Becouse every moment of sadness is a moment you will never get back, so just smile a lot! Be happy with who you are and love your life. Thats how I do it! So if you find me interesting, write, I won..t bite! Have fun folks! *** xoxo..

My Interests


I'd like to meet:





Layout by CoolChaser


soME of mY PArtY's iN OthER CouNTiEs =)!!5.4.2008,TIMEWARP 2008, GeRmanY!! !!15.03.2008, Gazometer, Vienna, Austria!! !!2.2.2008, Schranz total, Dom in berg, Austria!! !!14.-16.12.2007, RAVE on SNOW, Viesen, Austria!! !!17.11.2007, Com.plex, Wien, Austria!! !!13.10.2007, GAzoMeTer, Wien, Avstrija!! !!11.8.2007, NiGhT_sHiF, Imperial, Medulin!! !!3-5.8-2007, NATURE ONE, Kastellaun, Pydna, Germany!! !!23.6.2007, GRaNd_oPeNiNg, FortBuRgInOn, Pula!! !!28.4.2008, HYpEr_sPaCe, Budapest, Hungary!! !!31.3.2007, TDK tImE_WaRp, Mannheim, Germany!! !!10.3.2007, GaZoMeTeR, The puRe enErGy, Dunaj, avstria!! !!10.2.2007, NGoHT 3rd BiRthDay, KaShMiRe, Bbudapest, Hungary!! !!9.12.2006, sChRaNz_tOtAl, DomInberg, Avstria!! !!14.10.2006, GloBal pLayErs, GAzOmEtEr, dunaj, Avstrija!! !!11.11.2006, 14 Years Of Gazometer, Dunaj, Austrija!! !!15.7.2006, LOVE PARADE-The LOVE Is Back, BeRlin, GermanY!! !!2006, TDK TimeWarp -GerManY!! AnD much moRe :D
