We are a motorcycle leather apparel store located in Bethany, Oklahoma. We offer leather chaps, leather coats, leather vests, short chaps, leather pants, leather shirts, leather overalls, leather boots.... t-shirts, headgear, saddlebags, travel bags, tools bags, gloves, hair gloves, denim shirts. We carry a wide range of miscellaneous items so if you are in town come check us out!
We are located just north of I-40 between MacArthur Blvd. & Rockwell Ave. if you are coming from the east exit on MacArthur Blvd. go north to N.W. 23rd, turn west go down about 2 blocks we are on the north-east side of the College & 23rd intersection. If coming in from the west exit on Rockwell go north to N.W. 23rd, turn east go down to the College and 23rd intersection we are on the northeast corner!
Our hours of operation are Monday thru Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. We are closed on Sundays.
If you would like to contact us you can send us a message on here or you can call our store (405) 495-9700
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