My website with a huge portfilio on it is here:
My email addy: [email protected]
est. 1973
Angelina Jolie and Hitler, not necessarily in that order.
You name it, i listen to it... except for country and rap... but even those have exceptions. My music collection contains approximately 11,000 tracks. a modest collection but one that is highly organized and accessible.
I love ALL movies. i'm a movie junkie. if i'm home, the t.v. is on. even if i'm asleep. i'm a pop culture guru... ask me anything about any movie and i'll probably be able to answer it.
American Chopper, Miami Ink, Sopranos, C.S.I., Dead Zone, Entourage... Cable TV rules!
"I never even learned how to read!"
Cursor By
Batman, Ghengis Kahn, Leisure Suit Larry... you know... all the greats.