We are the creators of the K.K.B. Club. K.K.B. meaning, Kill Kidz Bop.
Now, we all know how much you must HATE the fact that Kidz Bop goes around FUCKING UP all of the GREAT songs.
We're here to stop it. Once and for all.
The Kill Kidz Bop organization is a pretty much a public service announcement to veto all the shit that those gay ass C.D.'s put us through.
Kill Kidz Bop is a year-old organization, and now we're moving to Myspace to try and better it. It'd be really rad if you could help us in our fight for justice.
Thank you. We hope this will be a pleasurable experience.
And no, we do not suffer from tourettes. We just like to YELL and SCREAM and CURSE A WHOLE FUCKIN' LOT. So get used to it. Gee;thanks. :]