Drinks, Drugs, Tits, Satan, Metal and Audi!!!
Nobody, I already know too much people. But I am searching for contacts who can help me to earn a lot of money with my music and to be a true Rock-Star, muahaha...
Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, Thrash Metal, Industrial Black Metal, Death Punk (=TRBNGR) and some Ritual/ Electronic Stuff...
My personal favourites at the moment (actual releases):
Celtic Frost: "Monotheist"
Arkhon Infaustus: "Orthodoxyn"
Antaeus: "Blood Libels" (and "CYFAWS" of course!)
Behemoth: "Demigod"
Favoured alltime classics:
Judas Priest: "Defenders of the faith"
Megadeth: "Rust in Peace"
Possessed: "Seven Churches"
Under influence of amphetamine:
Blacklodge "SolarKult"
Ministry: "Houses of the Molé"
Totally drunken as fuck:
Turboneger: everything!!!!!
Favourite local act next to Decision To Hate:
Infinte Horizon (very skilled musicians featuring our drummer!)
Conan the Barbarian
Soaps with Happy Ends, muahaha...