I am married with one child and one grandchild. My hobbies are reading, gardening, and spending time with my family. I do not cook ~ that's what my husband is for. I love playing internet poker ~ FREE ~ and yes ~ I am the one and only -- LAVANDERMOON. We own a small hvac company. In my spare time I love to read, develop websites, create grapics, crochet, study and learn, and doink around on the internet.
Many of you may notice a few changes on my Myspace. I added a few graphics that I have stumbled on and think they are just beautiful. You may be thinking ~ hey ~ this is a pagen ~ but I say no ~ not ~ or maybe not yet for I am still undecided. I believe in a higher power (or powers ???) I believe in the beauty and power of nature. I believe the bible was wrote by Men. Does that mean that I believe in God? Of course, but I have a serious problem with orginized religion. There are just too many of them ~ and who is to say that this religion is better than that? Unfortunately, my daughter is the one who had turned me away from orginized religion. There are NOT so many 'True Christians' that you would meet in your life ~ most of them are hypocrites...
The true christians you meet are TRUE BLESSINGS!! I am not trying to tell you or influence you to believe as I do. I would like everyone to just have an open mind about it. I truely believe "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".....
We, as humans, should help those around us and accept people for who they are.
Honestly, I am just a person who likes having a good time. If you feel so inclined, add me. I will accept ~ but SPAM me ~ and you will be gone!!!!
Word of the day! Get this widget!
Some family photos....