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Level 7 Wizard
hit points: 36

Surrealism, Science/Nature, Religion, Class struggle, Nonconformity
"The Definition of Stupidity" (Note: a 30 second delay appears before the video. The film has been checked for completeness)..Check out this video:
The Most Terrifying Video Youll Ever See

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Here are some internet sites of interest on Mobile, Alabama

Here is a picture of an ant holding a computer more powerful than any computer you've ever used. Nano-technology is changing everything. They are developing viruses that can build these microscopic supercomputers.

I'd like to meet:

Now in stores! The Jesus Christ Action Figure!

Weirdnesses- The Gold Ring: Awakening Realities


Metals of various molecular structures (Heavy, Black, Death), Modern Classical, Zapp & Roger.
Sun Ra - Space is the Place
Soundtrack Theme for the 21st Century Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Love Missle F-111
Dr. Octagon The Trees


DARPA’s iXo Artificial Intelligence Control Grid: ‘The Official Version’(911kbs)

This was constructed almost entirely using government / military quotes, animations, videos, images and photos. The narrative is sourced from government quotes from start to finish. It is the “official version”, if you will, but in an unprecedented format.It unveils the governments numerous and ongoing programs related to A.I., “NBIC”, the “Global Information Grid”, nanotechnology, biotechnology, autonomous drones, “naval sea-bases”, space weapons, weather modification… or more directly: domestic and global totalitarian technological domination. American Imperialism meets Artificial Intelligence.The only debate is: what are we going to do to stop it? Time’s running out…It mostly centers around DARPA materials, as they’re the fountainhead of all of this, but this is all a broad multi-agency effort. Some of the video content, the “OS” of the video, was screen captured from the DARPA sites old iXo interactive flash presentation, from almost a yearago, but is now no longer available.See also: “They Want Your Soul” in my other videos section here on Google Video.Visit for teh PROOF: www.ignoranceisntbliss.com www.myspace.com/ignoranceisntbliss

They Want Your Soul - 320x240

This reveals what 911 catalyzed, and more importantly what it's distracting even the truth seekers from acknowledging. This is a crash course in the bitter truth of the state of our society, government and the technological system that's beyond even Hitler's own wet dream.Visit www.ignoranceisntbliss.com for the Bibliography / Research Guide before you dismiss this videos contents.It features assaulting visuals, with facts and combined information that you wont find in any other documentary, laid over an music score that you wont soon forget. With the intense audio/visuals and loads of information you may need to watch this several times to absorb the many things you've probably never heard of. The information contained in this video applies to all Americans and humans alike, regards of beliefs or affiliations.Major Talking Points: Political bias cognitive neuroscience (Political Bias Illusion Complex), Controlled Big 5 Media / Propaganda / Public Relations (PR) [Misinformation, Disinformation & emotional PR has been perpetrated against our minds for some 80 years now by politicians, Big Government & Big Business], Americana pop culture / sports, the elite, TV & Radio induced ignorance, Americans literally know more about The Simpsons & American idol than the Bill of Rights, death of the middle class, natural disaster profits, our phony left / right hybrid political system, Bush / Kerry, Skull & Bones, hacked and rigged elections, 9-11 Commission / Prior-Knowledge, Fear Mongering, Freedom / Terrorism, shredded Constitution, War in Iraq, Bush's "new Pearl Harbor", Project for the New American Century (PNAC) / American Imperialism / New Roman Empire, Military Net Centric Computing / Global Information Grid (GIG), NSA's Echelon & wiretaps, Data mines, DARPA Internet2, TIA MATRIX, National-ID's (REAL ID Act), GPS car / cell phone tracking, ITS / CTS, Verichip-Implants, Nanotechnology (nano), NBIC, Masonic-DC, DARPA's cognitive Artificial Intelligence computer programs, NASA's Intelligent Archives, God-on-Earth, Technological Singularity, Transhumanism, Biological / Optical / Quantum computers, cyborgs, Beast of Revelation, and the New Age using theorized Mayan Calendar 2012 prophecies to fool people into expecting something like this system & it's related technologies with their so-called upcoming "transformation of consciousness" event.

JFK Speech on Secret Societies and Freedom of the Press

Thats right, old JFK says everything thats happening now is basically...well... unamerican...This is an excerpt from his speech "President and the Press."I encourage you to listen to it first and not view the picture show on the video in front of you as the words speak for themselves.Its a rushed job with this video as you can see, but I wanted to get it up as soon as possible. This speech applies to so much going on today, you will understand why "they" had him killed.


The opiate of the asses.


I have read: Franz Kafka - The Castle
Daniel Quinn - Ishmael
Olaf Stabledon - First and Last Men, Starmaker
Sam Harris - The End of Faith
Gore Vidal - Imperial America
Morris Berman - Dark Ages America
R.A. Lafferty - Daniel Wilson - How to Survive a Robot Uprising
Homer - Odyssey & Illiad
Bryan Appleyard - Understanding the Present
Gary Alan Fine - Shared Fantasy
J.R.R. Tolkein
Lord Dunsany - The King of Elfland's Daughter
La Feber - Inevitable Revolutions
Peter David - Writing for Comics


Noam Chomsky "Reality has a well-known Chomskyan bias." Stephen Colbert - Danny Bonaduce (syke) - The Wilm Brothers - The International Surrealist Movement - Gary Gygax - Keith Olbermann - Rosie Odonell - The Russian sub commander who canceled the order to launch Cuban Missle Crisises at US. - Frank Zappa - The gods - The Beatles - Blabbath Thabbath and Abbath of Immortal - Noam Chomsky - The Star Wars Kid The Criton Leprechaun - Carl X - Jay Z - Q-tip - C3PoV for Vendetta Press conferenceJimi Hendrix explains the Star-Spangled Banner then eats Dick Cavett

My Blog

Right and Left wing critics of the powers-that-be

The extreme right wingers claim the government is socialist, atheistic, anti-christian, and under the control of corporations and special interest groups (gays). Their defining conspiracy theory is t...
Posted by VValter on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 05:00:00 PST

A dream

I dreamt of a US botched naval missle strike on a coastal primitive society living in ancient stone buildings.  When the island became occupied I encountered a high priest of the islanders' faith...
Posted by VValter on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 04:07:00 PST

September 15th anti-war protest

About 50 or 60 people showed up here in Mobile to organize a protest to coincide with the national protest in D.C. on September 15th, 2007, about a hundred less than when Bush arrived for a republican...
Posted by VValter on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 09:10:00 PST

Got Meat?

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: TonyDate: Aug 15, 2007 5:37 PMThanks! ~ RainbojanglesDate: Aug 15, 2007 7:25 PM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: ÜDIAN...
Posted by VValter on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 06:18:00 PST

Stupid Americans

I used to be proud to have good grades and test scores (29 ACT),  3.84 GPA, Masters degree.  Now I'm terrified of the gulf between myself and my beloved countrymen. After watching these vide...
Posted by VValter on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 01:58:00 PST

Should there be a liscence to debate?

..> ...
Posted by VValter on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 09:23:00 PST

9/11 is a joke, plus Why you should vote for Hillary Clinton

I'm tired of the whole 9/11 conspiracy thing. Chomsky said its ridiculous to assume that the government is so air-tight that no one would leak info on it. Our government is too inept and inefficient. ...
Posted by VValter on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 01:47:00 PST

Cheneys neighbors topple him in protest, August 11, 2007

VVizard's Note: This is what we've been waiting for, people to have the courage to step outside of their box news channels and into the streets to promote democratic community action.&nbs...
Posted by VValter on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:14:00 PST

Can you give a name to what this country has become?

At first this video seemed like a surprisingly enlightened mainstream plea for Americans to stand up for the Bill of Rights.  In reality, this video actually prepares the minds of its viewers for...
Posted by VValter on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:50:00 PST

The most heart-wrenching video ever...

This one is called, "New World Order Zionist Anti Christ" on youtube Terrorism To Create Global Socialist Dictatorship  Disclaimer:  The above videos were not created by my...
Posted by VValter on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 08:59:00 PST