Widgets & Flash Toys
Widgets & Flash Toys
MySpace Layouts | MySpace Tweaks
My name is Tara . I am a very lucky woman to have such a great Family and The best Kids in the WORLD. I have been blessed with some of the Greatest Friends a Girl could ever ask for also.. Lets see a little about me: I love to laugh, spend time with my family and my best Friends having a great time doing anything, I love to Ride my Motorcycle anytime I have a chance too, I love snugging on the couch and watching a good movie in front of the fireplace, I love to get in my hot tub on cold and blah days and just relaxing the daily stress away, I love hot bubble baths (But what girl doesnt), I am one of the Friendliest and sweetest person you will ever meet, I never meet a stranger, I'm very outgoing, That is until You piss me off then I can get UGLY at times LOL.. I HATE AND I MEAN HATE W/ a PASSION any TYPE OF DRAMA PERIOD, DONT WANT IT, WONT TOLERATE IT Life is too short For all that stress and DRAMA SHIT!!!!!Keep it away from me... Finally after Finding out in January that My brother had terminal Cancer, I try to live everyday w. purpose and at least laugh once and tell everyone I care about I love them on a daily basis as much as I can now cause we never know what day could be our last, Make sure that the People around you know how much YOU love and appreciate them, and Live life to the FULLEST
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