nicole tammaro photography profile picture

nicole tammaro photography

the non-magazine photos in my top 24...all shot by ME!

About Me

ON FRIEND REQUESTS...if i dont know you...send me a message...not just a friend ocd...too may messing with my mind....... BANDS I HAVE SHOT: john doe, the dents, andrea gillis, toxic narcotic, darbuster, dropkick murphys, lost city angels, the freeze, unnatural axe, the bags, kenny chambers, the skels, tommy and the terrors, roger miret and the disasters, gang green, jerrys kids, buffalo tom, the dempseys, leftover crack, gangsta bitch barbie, the neighborhoods, elvis costello, kay hanley, cheetah chrome & rocket from the tombs, the ducky boys, the toasters, splint, sasquatch and the sick-a-billies, slacktone, reagan youth, agent orange, damone, bodeans, tony goddess, brett rosenberg, springa from ssd, social distortion, supersuckers, awilhelmscream, the queers, subzero, the upper crust, fourgoodmen, exene cervenka, bad lieutenants, the bruisers, wimpy from the queers and the jabbers, slapshot, rick barton, the street dogs, far from finished, seemless, meliah rage, metal church, municpal waste, destruction

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

editors of music magazines


check my links on


READ THESE, cause i shoot for them: the noise, punk rock confidential, loud fast rules, the boston phoenix
