-Dance - Music - the Arts - Chillin with friends - Enjoying life
ANY AND EVERYONE! oh yea and Beyonce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't really watch t.v. but upn stays on. so i guess anything on that channel. lol
I don't read!("its cause your black"- the infamous Peter Snow would say)no its cause i dont like to! ask my english teachers! bt i do like harry potter! im such a kid! i will tell you what not to read tho! THE JUNGLE BY UPTON SINCLAIRE! its horrible, u hear that Mr. Rubin, horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my mom! shes amazing! carlos acosta, cause hes a black man that can dance his ass off! hes pimpin and boufiane!(boufaine= a word to describe the ultimate fierceness that one should try to be obtained, origin= bouder and sofiane! it came about when me and carling were unbelievably bored during a krammy partnering class, and we need some motivation!)