I'm a foreigner trying to make it in America.ahahahahha I love life, art, having fun and discovering new things ...I moved from France to where the sun never stops shinning.
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I like any type of sports, trips, roadtrips, driving stick shift, the beach, artshows, anything related to arts, advertising, parties (if there's more dancing than passing out), taking pictures of random things, discovering new music styles, meeting new people, ...
people full of life, passion & love
european stuff, indie, ambiance music ... and anything that makes me vibe
what dreams may come, trading places, the devil's advocate, the big lebowski, 28 days et la bonne annee ...
les milles et une nuits parmis tant d'autres ...
miro, yves klein, j.pollock, calder, cesar, picasso, braque, rothko ...