FAITH, ART AND ACTIONWe believe that - by its very nature - genuine faith can offer wisdom, beauty, and the power of community to unify people around common causes that benefit humanity.
We believe that - by its very nature - excellent art can inspire, provoke thought, stir compassion and raise awareness towards these very same causes.
Both faith and the arts are built into the very DNA of LA LOVES, so we infuse elements from each world into opportunities to bring awareness and action to issues of humanity.MAKING ART THAT MOVES AUDIENCES TO ACTION:(1) We produce original film, art and theatrical events, independently or for a specific organization that brings awareness and emotional connection to humanitarian issues. (2) We add action to the emotional impact of the arts by creating campaigns for feature films that bring awareness to a certain humanitarian issue. These campaigns utilize the arts to bring further education and action opportunities to the issue.MOLDING ARTISTS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE:We mobilize exceptional artists who recognize the arts as
an opportunity to change culture and change lives.Much love,
ELKIN ANTONIOU and DEBORAH GIARRATANA'LA Loves is like a perfect storm right now in really being able to mobilize not only the entertainment community, but faith based community and the social justice community...'
Heather Somaini - LIONSGATE ENTERTAINMENT'...there is a tremendous intersection between our pursuit of social justice; our pursuit of humanitarian issues, our obligation to give our lives away for people who are suffering, it is critical to our spiritual well being.'
Erwin McManus - MOSAICA Message To The Whole World
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