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Some speak in sounds, but speak in silent voices, like radio is silent though it fills the air with

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Kurt Vonnegut
1922 - 2007
Robert Anton Wilson
January 18, 1932 - January 11, 2007
I learned more about life from Uncle Bob than from anyone else, excluding maybe George Carlin...
"Government is an hallucination in the minds of the governers." - Rober Anton Wilson
"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
- Albert Einstein
"Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have."
- Davy Crockett
"What good fortune it is for governments that people do not think!"
- Adolf Hitler
Libertarian Party
We hold that all individuals have the right to excercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.
They were born, they grew up, they went to work, they passed through a brief blossoming period of beauty and sexual desire, they married at twenty, were middle aged at 30, they died, for the most part, at sixty. Work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer, and gambling filled up the horizons of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult. It was not desirable that they should have strong political feelings. All that was required of them was a primitive patriotism which could be appealed to whenever it was necessary. Even when they became discontented, as they sometimes did, their discontent led nowhere, because, being without general ideas, they could only focus it on petty specific grievances. The larger evils invariably escaped their notice.
- 1984 - George Orwell
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. --
-Robert A. Heinlein

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Buddha, Ghandi, and Martin Luther King.


311, Pink Floyd, Rush, Tool, Coiler, Rancid, NOFX,


I like movies that don't suck.


Daily Show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, Colbert Report


Robert Anton Wilson; the Illuminatus! Trilogy, Shrodinger's Cat, Maks of the Illuminati, Historical Illuminatus Chronicles, Prometheus Rising. Kurt Vonnegut; Sirens of Titan, Slaughterhouse 5, Cat's Cradle, Goodbye Blue Monday. Philip K Dicks Valis Trilogy, Dragonlance books by Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman, or any of the 30 other authors. Raymond E Feist, Stephen Brust, Derrick Jensen (Walking on Water!), Joe Haldeman, The Sex Lives of Cannibals by J. Maarten Troost,


Ra, the Sun - Isis, the Moon - Horus, the Air - and the Earth.