Guns, Naked Women, Scratching, CG Art, Video Projection Art, L(ight) A(mplification by) S(timulated) E(mission of) R(adiation), Tattooing, Web Design, Getting Shot At, Rocket Surgery, Making Money, Playing with Dolls, Gaming, All Night Parties, Nothing Else
I want to meet people with money to burn. People that couldn't give a shit about you or me. People that drive the latest sport utility sedan and talk on bluetooth enabled headset cellphones. People who actually hang out at starbucks and read poetry. I'm also interested in meeting Mimes and Vending Machines.
I like it loud, hard, fast or slow, lots of bass, funky beats, breaks for days, anything I can scratch over, and country music. I like the way fax machines and modems sound when you call them. I FUCKING HATE COOKIE MONSTER HEAVY METAL. RAGHGHGH!!! Get a girlfriend!
ManBitesDog, Pi, Metropolis, Deepthroat, ClockworkOrange, Hardware, DrStrangelove, FastestIndianAlive, MadMax, RomperStomper, FriedGreenTomatoes, Duel, TheyLive, Susperia, DeadAlive, Quadraphenia, FailSafe, BeingThere, Snuff, HomeMoviesFromStolenVideoCameras, OldDriversEdFims, OhBrotherWhereArtThou, Barbarella, Tron, Stripes, THX1138, StreetsOfFire, TheReflectingSkin, LatexLesbianPron, TheOutlawJosieWales, EVERYTHING DAVID LYNCH HAS EVER POINTED A CAMERA AT!!! and David Lynch Films.
infomercials, regular commercials, the AUX channel, the weather channel, CSPAN 1, 2, and 3, test patterns, white noise
Powerbook, Snow Crash, Dianetics, William Gibson, JS Couts, the Bible, the Phonebook, Matches
Tupperware [tm], AJAX, E-mail, Everybody who hates me.