"Dryer of the hands hips that are freshly shaken."
The airwolf promises pleasure but offers none. What you did, the airwolf did two years ago. Because of the technological advances of the current years, your brain is finally able to comprehend the basic gist of what airwolf has to offer. As the years go on, corperations and government issued scientists may develope a device to let your brains the more complex sounds of airwolf, but until then, this is all we have to offer.
"I wish that somewhere in the world, somebody would make a machine that would further evolve me so that I could further enjoy the power that is airwolf."
Richard Roeper of Ebert and Roeper.
"Me too."
The Other One from Ebert and Roeper.
"After listening to airwolf, I have decided to never have sex again so that I can charge up an orgasm so strong for the day that my being evolves enough for me to fully enjoy their creations for it will be the last orgasm I'll ever need."
from: "Fergie"
"I am dirt. The reason I drank myself into rehab was because my brain could only comprehend 30 seconds of a song."
Lindsey Lohan
We have nothing to do with that crime fighting helicopter fag version of Airwolf from the 80's or something. We are obviously better.