Art (photo, oil painting, drawing, sculpture, etc). Dog Training, beer, teaching, houses, music.
People who say what they think, when they think it, but also know when they're crossing the line and need to shut-up. Good looking people!!! I don't have any ugly firends.
Zeppelin, Floyd, Stones, The Dead, Jazz, Fusion, Folk, Swing, Classical...and the list goes on.
Most recent movies include, but are not limited to...Deadwood (the HBO series), Little Ms. Sunshine, Must Love Dogs, Everything is Illuminated, The Notebook, Serendipidity, The Natural, For Love of the Game, The Sting, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Garden State, Anchor Man, Nepeoleon Dynamite. Some favorite classics include: Caddy Shack, One Flew Over the Coo Coo's Nest, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs...(more to come).
If I do watch TV, however, I'm probably watiching The Daily Show, The Chapell Show, Monster House, Monster Garrage, American Chopper, The Simpsons, South Park, the History Channel, or the Discovery Channel.
Let's see...I just finished The Great Gatsby (for the second time), Catcher and the Rye (for the second time), I'm half way through Atlas Schrugged, and I'm always caught with a copy of the Norton Anthology of Poetry. Though this might be a turn off to many people, I love Charles Bukowski.
Jack Kerouak, Albert Einstein, James Thorpe (professor at UMD).