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About Me

I live in a pub which I help run with my fiance and I spend most of my free time in a pub or club so basically I spend all my time surrounded by alcohol, so whats a girl to do but drink!!!

I was born in Shrewsbury and its dull as hell, i escaped to Manchester 4 a bit which was fun but i had to come back due to lack of funds!! :-( I will escape again tho!!"

My Interests

Drinking, dancing, tv, shopping, swimming at the mo but only coz im on a health kick to try and de-whale myself.

Id say I spend the majority of my spare time drunk! Usually with Claire, if we're skint we'll av briny 1st which i highly recommend as it totally rocks. Try the cherry or bubbly kind, they are lush!!! Then we move on 2 ro'se wine n by this point we'll already completely twisted as we r total lightweights, claire more than me tho!! We always end up doing something that we find hilairious on a night out. Trollies r always fun, check out my videos if u dont believe me. In our single days we were always stalking 1 man or another as our prey 4 that evening n we usually got our way, unfortunately they didnt always look so good in the morning without the beer goggles on!!! :-( Since iv bn with dave my nights out have just consisted of getting as drunk as humanly possible, if im out on with claire he asks me not 2 wake him up when i get in n i always promise faithfully that i wont. Then i decide im horny n wanna wake him up but i dont wanna annoy him. So it alwys seems a really gd idea 2 bring him a pressie then he wont mind. So far iv woken him up @ 2am with a ballon, deflated blow up guitar, posters, a sparkly straw, cocktail list, he's never been pleased yet but i'll keep on trying!! Once liquid had a M.O.S night n i told her that the dj was eric pritz n she got an autograph on her ass, then we went back 2 their hotel 4 a drink n it wasnt until we got there that i told her it wasnt him, Claire hadnt bothered 2 look at the autograph. The dj was a bit gutted 2, then we told then we both had boyf n went home, with cd's these massive poster boards and claire even nicked a bowl of pot pourri from the hotel as a pressie 4 her mum, good times!!!!We both love 2 dance n I remember 1 time when we were particularly drunk n really going 4 it on the dance floor, Daves friends were out n Claire was trying 2 impress some bloke so we were trying 2 do hot dancing but I think we looked more like we were having an epeleptic fit with those drunk moves!! Im enjoying swimming especially when its full of muscly men but the only thing is uv gotta run into the pool as quickly as possible, me in my tankini wit no makeup on is not a gd look!! Shopping is a great passion of mine which unfortunately i dont get 2 do enough of :-( I love any kind of shopping but especially clothes, shoes, bags and belts always bring me gr8 pleasure n a girl can not physically have enough!!!! I have bags in a rainbow of different colurs , sizes n materials coz a different out fit needs a different bag. I also then have to batch the bag 2 my belt, i love them coz its amazing the difference a belt can make 2 an outfit!!!! Shoes need 2 match aswell n obviously theres so many different types, kitten heels, boots trainers, stilettos just 2 name a few n girls need new shoes as often as possible otherwise we may sink in2 a deep dark depression!! Basically shopping rocks, i love new stuuff mixing it all up, going out in a new outfit n thinking u look like a hot potato, its great!! I think my love of shopping is part of the reason i dont believe in god, coz if there was a god up there they wouldnt have made me poor!! Its not fair!! It is a tragic miscarriage of justice that some1 like me who lives 2 shop was born with out the money 2 satisfy my needs!! I shoukd have been rich!!! Im gonna shut up b4 i really start 2 rant but if theres any1 out there that would like 2 contribute 2 my shoe fund it would b greatly appreciated!!!!

I'd like to meet:

George W Bush and tell him what a wanker he is!!David Beckham and just touch him! Mmmmmmmmmmm!
Name? Nicknames?: Dirty Slut
Birth date?: 24/03/1984
Do you have any siblings? Do you get along with them?: Older bro and younger sister, get on with them both but my sister more, she's a shiny shiny star and one of my very bestest friends!!
What are you wearing right now?: jeans and a jumper, not very exciting today
Who do you live with?: Shrewsbury, better known as dullsville!!
Do you have any pets?: A cat called Arthur and a tortoise called Toby but they're family pets that live at my mum and dads, we've also got a dog called Arthur at the pub I live at.
What's your favorite food?: Difficult to say as i love food but my faves are chinese, yum! Curry Mmmm! I love pasta especially carbonara, but you really can't beat a good old roast dinner with ll the trimmings!!! Delicious!!
Hey slacker, what's your G.P.A.?: I'm english so I don't know but I'm sure its very high!!
What's your major?: Didn't go to uni, was meant to do law but changed my mind, my dad thinks I went 4 a year but I actually just moved to Manchester to have a laugh with lou, whoops!!
Is your room messy or clean right now?: Very messy!!
What's your favorite alcoholic drink?: I love them all!! But I especially love ro'se wine or a white russian cocktail, Yum!! I may need to go and get a drink now!
What's your favorite non-alcoholic drink?: What ?? They come in non-alcoholic variety?? Lol! Prob OJ!
How do you feel about cigarette smoking?: I miss it dearly, I quit 8 months ago and I've been a bad tempered bitch ever since!!
If you don't recognize the number on your caller ID, do you answer?: Usually, unless I've gone over my overdraft and it could be the bank, which happens wey too much.
How many speeding tickets have you recieved?: None, I don't drive.
What's your favorite clothing store?: Too hard to choose they're like my children but prob river island, really good for high street!
Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? What is it?: No but I used, he was a clown called coco that i won at a fair when I was lil by guessing the name right. He now sits on top of my wardrobe.
When was the last time you were on a diet?: Im on a healthy eating kick right now because I'm going on holiday and I look like a whale, it's going well apart from all the alcohol!!
Once you're finished with school, what will your profession be?: I finished school a few years ago, I'm an old lady now, well 23, I wanna run my own club,
What is a long term goal of yours? short term?: Short term - Running the pub Im at well! Long term - taking over the world!!
What is your favorite type of fast food?: Mcdonalds, but its not that fast!!
Have you ever truly been in love?: I am sickeningly in love with my fiance dave and it rocks!!
Ever cheated on your bf/gf?: No
What kind of car do you drive?: Don't drive
Where did you go on your funnest vacation?: Shell island, it might have been cold but we got totally wankered drinking shit vodka at 3am on the beach doing the cha cha cha and falling over nd then got lost on the way back and couldnt find our tent 4 ages!!
What's your favorite holiday?: Hopefully it'll be Kos in 13 days baby!! Wahoo!!
What is your favorite sport to watch? to play?: Im not really a sporting kinda girl but I like footballers and id love to play with david beckham!!
Where did/will you go for your 21st birthday?: I had 2, 1 in Shrewsbury which was ok and 1 in Manchester where I got totally off my face and slept with a ginger guy who i was told after was a virgin but i had a brill time!!
Do you usually get ready for class or just wear sweats?: Don't go to class anymore I just work, work, work!!
Would you rather go to a club to dance or a sit-down bar?: Club and dance all the way!!
How many car accidents have you been in? How many were your fault?: None but I've had a few near misses when Claire had her car which was really scary!! Louisa once let me steer her car and it was going really well but then this wheelie bin came out of nowhere and id have totally missed it but lou grabbed the steering wheel back and never let me have a go again. :-(
Have you ever tried chewing tobacco?: No
Who was the last person you spoke on the telephone with?: My mum, who is a bit mental, she was telling me 2 hurry up and have babies, not yet!!!
Do you chew on the straw?: no
What are you listening to right now?: We've got a band on downstairs at the swan where i live/work, they're called the diesel brothers and they play all sorts of covers.
What star/celebrity do most people say you resemble?: There's a guy called scully who comes in the pub all the time and he says i look like charlotte church but he does drink an awful lot of worthingtons!!!!!
When was the last time you recieved mail other than junk mail and bills?: Last week i got the plane tickets 4 my holiday, wahoo!!!
What brand of tennis shoes do you prefer?: I don't where tennis shoes, im more of a stiletto girl myself!!
What did you dress up as last Halloween?: Me and claire where haloween brides, it was hot stuff!!!!
What brand of shampoo and conditioner do you use?: Alberto Balsam
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?: Dave
What do you have on your bedroom walls?: Loads and loads of pictures and the road sign from my parents street which i nicked on my 21st birthday!!
What was the last movie you saw in the theater? Was it good?: Not sure I aint been 4 a while, it might of been this totally shite horror movie called black cristmas, i wouldn't recomend it!!!
About how many friends from high school do you still talk to?: None really, I see some round town a bit.
What are you biggest peeves?: Social smokers, if your gonna smoke do it properly!! Football on instead of soaps in the week. Steeping in dog poo! Rude people!! People who order guiness as they're last drink in a round, do they not know it has to settle??!! There's prob lots more, people piss me off!!
Are your parents still together?: yes
What is your favorite color?: pink, im a total girl!!
What sports did you play in high school?: none
Are you a lover or a fighter?: im a lover baby!!
Do you read the Bible?: no im an athiest
Do you like to go camping?: I have in the past but i think im 2 attached 2 my hair straighteners now!
I know you don't like books, so what is your favorite magazine?: I LOVE BOOKS!!My fave mag is prob heat.
Do you keep a journal?: no
What's your favorite animal?: I really want one of those white snow cubs that have been born at the zoo recently, they're so cute!!
When is the last time you puked?: Prob bout 6 weeks ago, i was twisted!!
Have you ever broken any bones?: no, not yet, touch wood!
Can you drive a stick-shift car?: Can't drive anything.
Who is your favorite actor/actress?: Samuel L Jackson rules but im not sure who my fave is.
Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: yep, i love jewellry and anything that sparkles, its all cheap stuff tho! Im still waiting 4 my engagement ring tho, iv picked it out n dave's payed 4 half but we've been a bit broke!! :-(
What kind of underwear are you wearing right now?: thong
What cologne/perfume do you wear?: diesel but my fave is angel!!
Wal-Mart or Target?: dont care
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend or major crush? Who is it!?: I have a fiance called Dave who I love dearly!!
What size bed do you have in your room?: double bed but its not big enough!!
What food can you absolutely not stand to eat?: Peas, they are the devils food!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you more like your mom or your dad?: Prob got more of my dads sense of humour and intelligence but im dead chatty like my mum.
Do you floss your teeth?: no but i really should my teeth are crap but the dentist is a right rip off!!
Who is your BFF (best friend forever)?: Claire Bradshaw but louisa is my oldest friend and i love her to bits 2. Also kirsty and my sis emps they all rock!!
How long was your longest relationship?: My current one with Dave which is coming up to 18 months.
Why did it end?: It hasnt and it wont.
Do you snore (don't lie!)? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep?: I dont really snore unless iv got a cold or im really really drunk, Dave does tho and its a pain in the arse!! I do steal the covers i totallyhog the bed and im a total figit, it takes me ages to get comfy!!
Are you outgoing, or do you keep to yourself most of the time?: Outgoing, you cant shut me up especially if iv had a drink!
Do you smile with your teeth when getting your picture taken?: Sometimes with teeth and sometimes without!
What is your main ring tone on your phone?: mc hammer, cant touch this
When is the last time you worked out?: I go swimming twice a week but this has only been 4 the last 3 weeks, i last went on wednesday!
Who is your favorite professional athlete?: David Beckham! He is just fine fine fine!!
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?: I never wanted to grow up and i stil dont intend to!
Do you know how to sew?: A bit, i can sew on a button or mend a rip in something, i hate to throw away stuff!
About how many pairs of jeans do you own?: 6 maybe, i need more!!
Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?: short hair, i hate long hair on men!!
Have you ever been to the stripclub?: no but id love to!
What was the last shot you took? When was this?: It was white chocolate corkies last saturday in liquid playing catch up, i ended up totally hammered!! Im a tequila girl at heart tho but you've gotta have salt and lemon!!
What are your bad habits?: I figit to much, waffle a bit, very messy, there's prob lots more but i dont wanna give myself a complex!!
Have you ever been fired from a job?: yes :-(
What was the last live sporting event you attended?: god knows, prob watching Shrewsbury down the meadow a good 4 or 5 years ago!
Do you consider yourself to be religious?: no, im an athiest!
Have you ever ridden in an ambulence?: Yes, i got really drunk when i was bout 16 at a friends work xmas party on archers, i remember falling of the chair and kinda remember being sick on the table and then the next thing i remember was feeling something in my ear and saying get that thing out of my ear and sarah said it was the nurse, and i said what?? Your in hospital! What?? You came in an ambulance! What? Your parent are on their way!! Oh shit!! I remember my mum coming in in the morning and saying "y did you do it kate" and i was like it wasn't a cry 4 help, im 16 i cant handle my drink!! Iv never drunk archers since!!
Did you ever wear braces?: no
Are you artistic/creative?: a lil bit, not really
What kind of mood are you in right now?: good one
What time is it?: 8.26pm
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Love it!! Dance music, hip hop, bit of r n b, anything but cheesy pop or country!! I chose so many times as the song on my page because its my global gathering song, everytime I here it I think of good times and being absolutely bolloxed!!! I also love Madonna, Like a virgin because its mine n claires karaoke song, we always totally murder it but think we rock!!!!! Any Bob dylan song makes me think of my dad coz he'd always have it playing in the car. Girls just wanna have fun by cindy lauper reminds me of being at primary school coz we always used 2 sing it whilst getting changed 4 pe. The shoop shoop song by Cher makes me think of having my friends round when i was lil n dressing up n singing in my back garden, i will def b singing it on the karaoke soon!! Any crappy country song makes me think of my mum, she does have crap taste!! Boyzone makes me think of my 1st proper crush, ronan keating!! How sad, I loved boyzone had posters all over my wall n i actuallys till know all the words!!Eminem just rocks, i went 2 c him wit lou in glasgow n had a wkd time!!! Any eminem song immediatly makes me think of loubylou n smile!! Me n dave don't actually have a song yet, i must think of 1, any suggestions???


Never get to go to the cinema anymore but i like most things, action, horror, chick flicks, comedies, they're all good. Not a fan of war films really. Not sure what my fave would be, im very indecisive.I love the back to the future films, karate kid, legally blond, pretty woman, shawshank redemption, death becomes her, jackass the movie and there's so many more but my minds gone blank because im hungover to fuck!!!"


Really love it when i get the time. My favourite show is home and away, iv watched it since i was 5 and it rocks!!! Also love prison break, ER, all the soaps, all the csi's, law and order, ncis, the apprentice, big bro, family guy, futurama, friends and greys anatomy. "


I read constantly! I even read the shampoo bottle in the bath if i aint got a book. I love trashy chick books, jane green,marianne keyes, jenny colgan, sophie kinsella, louise bagshaw, wendy holden are all great!! Love john grisham!Martina Cole books are great and gritty! Real life stuff where they've had a totally tortured life, the torey haden books are good! I enjoyed all of dan browns books, angels and demons was best! i'll read anything and everything."


My dad because hes just been battling cancer and hes been a trooper throughout and i love him dearly!!!!!!!!!
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My Blog

Kos baby yeah!!!!

I just had the best holiday ever!!! I spent the whole time laughing!! The holiday saying was Kos baby yeah!!! I said it so much I actually lost my voice halfway thru!!!! The weather was absolutely gor...
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Another day another hang over!!!!

Hey ppl, how ru?? I am not feeling great today coz i went out n got totally trollied yet again last night n im absolutely shattered!!!! Felt ruff as hell this morning!!! Had a great night tho, i thin...
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Hello myspace!! I think I'm hooked on this thing already!! My page is better than yours Krusty!! Ha Ha!! I'm having a crap bank holiday weekend because Im working all of it but I don't care because I...
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