uhmmm... playing go! hamster wd my bf!? watching flame of recca!?! downloading from my celfone... eating lots of nangka!?! sLeEpInG!? going OuT WiTh My Bf AnD FrEnDs!?! playing RaGnArOk... RoCk On!!!
every single specy dat exists in this world!?!
aNyTHInG DaT CaN ToUcH mY fEeLiNgS!?!?! esPeCiALLy LuVsOnGs!?! (PUNK iS OK!?!
HorRoR mOviEs...
bOoKs DaT CaN B ReAd WiTh My OwN eYeS!?!?!
mYYYYYYYYY.... BF!?!?! (ehehe!!?)