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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Welcome to the land of Capricorn. This is where I live. Most people would say, "My God, could there possibly be a more pure-bred specimen of Capricorn?" So serious as a kido and now turning, 30 full immaturity. Yes of course, there's a glimpse of Libra in my field at times. Usually that glimpse happens when I'm at dinner with friends and the waitress comes by 3 times to see if I've made up my mind. A bit shy and introverted, sometimes my thin skin isn't climate controlled. Leaving me with the feeling that I'm too sensitive for this planet. Sometimes my gloom reflects people and the situations they are in around the world. Suffocation and alienation are swooning discontents in my life. You know, it definately comes from a variety of things. The Wal-mart shoppers, those who think Sadaam still had terrorist ties to 9-11, Asian gangs, song birds destroyed by the common cat, and people that drive SUVs. If I could please get a brake from fretting about Polar Bears dying off because of ice cap melts. I used to live in a Tee-Pee when I was 2 years old. My mom wanted a more secure 80's life with a garage and walls and such so we moved out to the burbs. All of those topics grandma said were poor social etiquette to bring up in conversation are my favorites. You know, politics, and religion? Yah, love em'! However in my vacilating quandary of gloom and childishness, there comes laughter. If you can make me laugh, I'll wear you like a prized gem and whisper things to you like, "my p-r-e-c-i-o-u-s!!!!!" I have fallen into the, "I have too many interests" line of work. The duality of this though, is that I don't want to do a damn thing but bake pumpkin pies in an old 1950s stove in a hidden country home. Pumpkin pie doesn't cost much and even Jesus knows how wholesomely delicious it really is. It's aroma has a wonderfuly arousing quality for women as well. Anyway, a bit of solace would be nice. I love to paint, but want to burn all of my paintings. I love to dance, yes, retired bellydancer. I teach myself French, and I suck at speaking it. I love the healing arts. I practice an ancient art called Jin Shin Jyutsu. Much to my practice is helping myself. I massage people in pain. I love dressing up! I have a rumaging addiction. Lots and lots of treasures. Vintage shopping has become an overloaded closet, However, I could dress up any lady in something magnificent! I love vintage fur stoles (my furry treasures) and pompadores. I have slight A.D.D.. I love fashion, although I've decided not to become a fashion designer. I love collecting perfume and if I did have a dream job, it would be as a French "Nez." Somehow, sniffing rare flowers and deciding which ones are great enough to make elegant perfumes sounds quite desirable. I like being on stage, and soon I will be working on a Can Can troupe.(taking resumes from anyone who likes doing the flying splits!) I like records and DJ-ing, however, I don't practice enough, and don't have a desire to become well-known. There is one hobbie that doesn't cost much, and that is singing soul in the car. I should be coming up on my second platinum by now. Have you seen my car? Definately a car of a one track minded owner.(scratches, dents, faded paint, looks as if I live in it) Fellow drivers agree that my love of soul comes through when the light is green and I don't seem to care cuz I'm singin' it! Myspace, Narcissism showing great potential!

My Interests

Some day speaking fluent French. T'as une tete a faire sauter les plaques d'egouts!" (translation: You've got a face that would blow off manhole covers.) H-e-l-l-o-o-o-o!!!! Any other Franco-files out there? I think that I might have too many interests. It's an American thang. Oh, anyone who gives good massages. I have an interest in living in a shack somewhere and painting. Just painting and living peacefully with badgers and snakes. I'll let everyone know when that happens. Then we will all have a grand sangria party. I've been alluding to this idea for years, just don't have all my China pieces together.

I'd like to meet:

Quantum minded folk. Others who share the same obsessive need to shake their "Chi-town-ghetto-booties." (on the dance floor that is) Steve"Silk"Hurley and Farley"Jack Master." I have always wanted to meet Dracula or some nice vampire derivative. Some nice little Badgers. I like meeting people who don't look like the music they listen to. Other prolific and advanced thinkers like George Bush and Pat Robertson! He-he.


Cocteau Twins, The Police, Joe Jackson, Steely Dan, Pepe Bradock, Dead Can Dance, DJ Sneak, Thompson Twins, Stevie Wonder, Mood To Swing, Kraftwerk, Doc Martin, old Acid, Bauhaus, The Cure, Nuyorcian Soul, Neo Soul, Kate Bush, New Order, The Clash, The Fixx, Gang Starr, Slick Rick, Edith Piaf, The Bran Flakes, Depeche Mode, Massive Attack, Disco, Led Zeppelin, Bran New Heavies, Giant Steps, The Smiths, Isley Brothers, Old School, CeCe Peninston, Prince, B.B.king, This Mortal Coil, Common, Paper music, The Beatles(I can sing the lyrics to every Beatles song, only they have to be playing in order for me to remember), Bjork, M.A.W., Francois Kavorkian, Buena Vista Social Club, Joy Division, Jefferson Airplane, Jean-Luc Ponty, Rush, I also love the music that a secluded mountain top plays in the Sierras with the Chickadees, and Meadowlarks and Pine Grout...............................................


Anything from David Lynch and Stanley Cubric, and new version of Lolita with Jeremy Irons, Bella Lugosi's Dracula, Vanilla Sky, Ground Hog Day, A Christmas Story, Punch Drunk Love, Princess Bride, The Lost Boys, Brahm Stokers Dracula, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Sideways, Last Tango in Paris, Gi Gi, Rocky Horror, In America, Crash, Ferris Bueller, Female Trouble, Pink Flamingos, Dancer in the Dark, American Beauty, An Inconvenient Truth, Shery Baby, and love those Andrew Blake flicks!


The Daily Show, Dancing with the Stars, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Ab Fab, the Fashion channel, Sundance Channel, Food network, Project Runway, Anthony Bordain, and any show with plastic surgery make-overs, or circus freaks.


The Dictionary, Where the Red Fern Grows, Animal Farm, Dancing Wu Li Masters, The Hidden Messages in Water, Freakonomics, French Dictionary


Gandhi, Dad, Dr.Frank-N-Furter, Divine, Bill Clinton, Kerri Chandler, Tony Humphries, Rick Preston, Gerhard Richter, Keith Harring, Picasso, David Lynch, Andy Goldsworthy

My Blog

Jesus Camp?????Anyone????

     Have you been blessed to rent the ever so thrilling documentary, "Jesus Camp?" All right, I honestly can't wrap my head around this one. I hope that the art of brainwashing gi...
Posted by Jennifer on Thu, 17 May 2007 01:24:00 PST