Carmireli Belgium-fanclubpage(carmilitia) profile picture

Carmireli Belgium-fanclubpage(carmilitia)

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here's a video of the scrapbook we carmilitia fans gave carmi for her 19th bday!! Carmireli's 19th Birthday!!!

Add to My Profile | More VideosOUR AIM IS TO SPREAD THE WORD AND GET CARMI SOME MORE FANS FROM ALL OVER THIS PLANET SO IF YOU LIKE HER MUSIC MAKE SURE TO ADD HER ON HTTP://WWW.MYSPACE.COM/CARMIRELIBiogaphy: The radiant Carmireli was born the youngest girl of eleven in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and celebrated her eighteenth birthday on July 21. Though originally from the island, most of her upbringing was in Queens, New York, where she became no stranger to the words " struggle" and "overcome." The family fell upon hard times and resided for eight years in a windowless, basement apartment before moving to upstate NY at the beck and call of one of her older brothers that had found a bit more fortune in this land of liberty. This anglicized Latina has that "Bring it on" attitude. At the age of thirteen following her mother's dream, Carmireli began her theater, dance, and voice studies. Ironically, just a few words spoken by a voice teacher would become the beginning of her chrysalis. He said "You're just one of a thousand, get your head out of the clouds." This, says her father, was the moment "She was born." It is the true nature of Carmireli's spirit to spin the negative into positive, to work harder, and to prove this unlikely catalyst of her future wrong. Carmireli is the "I can" girl.IVE STARTED THIS GROUP TO SHOW SUPPORT TO MY MYSPACE BUDDY CARMI -WHO WAS ON MY LIST BEFORE I EVEN KNEW SHE WAS A SINGER-SHE'S DESTEND TO MAKE IT BIG TIME!!!CARMI YOU KNOW WE WILL ALWAYS SUPPORT YOU-xxxNAT&JASONxxx

I'd like to meet:

DIT IS EEN FANPAGE!!-OM RECHTSTREEKS ANTWOORD VAN CARMIRELI KAN JE TERECHT OP HTTP://WWW.MYSPACE.COM/CARMIRELITHIS IS A FANPAGE!! FOR THE REAL CARMI YOU CAN SEND OR LEAVE A COMMENT ON HTTP://WWW.MYSPACE.COM/CARMIRELIDeze pagina is gemaakt als steun voor onze goede online vriendin carmireli,niet alleen een getalenteerde zangeres en beginnende actrice ook een supertoffe persoon die dankzij haar steeds groeiende fanclub haar weg naar de top zal vinden carmi wij zullen je altijd steunen XXX NAT en JASON XXXREQUEST CARMIRELI ON GKEUROPE

..for an autographed picture please write to: voor een handtekening kan je altijd terecht bijhaar fanclub grijp alvast je pen en schrijven maar:Carmireli Fan Mail c/o Richard IV Studios PO Box 127 Bergen NY 14416carmi is tot dagelijks 5 uur bezig met het corresponderen met fans via myspace en altijd met een glimlach :)


get her cd now order her cd true the official website!! bestel nu haar cd via de officiale site showing some moves to her fans(i love this !!) .. Get this video and more at


carmireli op de set van "the artifact" haar eerste rolletje in een film


carmi in dangerous mind Dangerous Grounds

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carmi supports er fans and they support her!!


haar fans natuurlijk-video dat we gemaakt hebben voor met kerst-met als liedje carmi zelf her fans offcourse-video we fans made for xmas

My Blog


myspace had a glitch and see dissapeared of our top make sure to re-add carmireli to your top friends nat :)
Posted by Carmireli Belgium-fanclubpage(carmilitia) on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 11:05:00 PST

what are we all about-de reden van deze pagina

First off -please read the page-IAM NOT CARMIRELI-im a fan lol...people never read the page and i get weird mails i can only imagine what she gets on a daily basis haha well my first aim is to re...
Posted by Carmireli Belgium-fanclubpage(carmilitia) on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 05:14:00 PST

other carmi links-andere carmireli links

--> .." target="_blank"> CARMIRELI'S WEBSITE" target="_blank"> CARMIRELI'S MYSPACE" target="_blank"> OFFICIA...
Posted by Carmireli Belgium-fanclubpage(carmilitia) on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 02:50:00 PST

wat is carmilitia?:what is carmilitia?

carmilitia is iedereen die carmireli steunt en promoot via zoveel mogelijk manieren dus ook op myspace ,via flyers,via radio request,noem maar op er zijn er al heel wat dus kom er gerust bij indi...
Posted by Carmireli Belgium-fanclubpage(carmilitia) on Sun, 27 May 2007 05:51:00 PST