Für die tollsten Freunde <3 |
Ihr Lieben, ich habe Euch (fast) alle durch MySpace kennengelernt und bin so froh darüber, mit Euch reden, bzw schreiben zu können, und zu wissen, dass Ihr für mich da seid!
Ich verstehe nur leide rn... Posted by Ï Mrs. Bloom Ï[ ª ø ¹¹¹ ·o. ] ..*gone*.. on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 02:25:00 PST |
The Dome 42 in Hannover ! |
On Friday, May 25, Germany's (Switzerlands/Austrias) biggest show "The Dome" was here in Hannover!It was (it always is!) a huuuuge event! The artists this time (for the Americans: you might just know ... Posted by Ï Mrs. Bloom Ï[ ª ø ¹¹¹ ·o. ] ..*gone*.. on Sat, 26 May 2007 11:53:00 PST |
About my profile song "Crocodile Man" |
Hey guys,
everyone who is visiting this site can hear the profile song, and I wanted to explain WHY I chose this one...
I don't know for how many years I watched "Crocodile Hunter" with the Irwin fami... Posted by Ï Mrs. Bloom Ï[ ª ø ¹¹¹ ·o. ] ..*gone*.. on Fri, 18 May 2007 06:50:00 PST |
FFN "Das Gelbe Vom Ei" Party! (FFN Easter Party ^^) |
Here are some pics of Monday, April 9 !
I went to the FFN party with a few friends, like every year.
It was great at the beginning, but later things were kinda boring....
Well, here are some pics and ... Posted by Ï Mrs. Bloom Ï[ ª ø ¹¹¹ ·o. ] ..*gone*.. on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:43:00 PST |
I was so exited for the concert on January 25, (Kelly Family), and I was to happy that after 7 (!) years they are back here again, but this evening was the worst!
We went to that curch (there was the ... Posted by Ï Mrs. Bloom Ï[ ª ø ¹¹¹ ·o. ] ..*gone*.. on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 04:33:00 PST |
Maggie <3 |
I just wanted to tell you that I love you sooo much, you are such a great and special person and I never wanna miss you!
You make me smile- thank you for funny evenings on the computer =... Posted by Ï Mrs. Bloom Ï[ ª ø ¹¹¹ ·o. ] ..*gone*.. on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 04:00:00 PST |
New Layout... |
Ich hab jetzt mal n Layout selber gemacht... Also ich finds beileibe nich gut, werde es bald wieder ändern, aber jetzt bin ich zu müde, deswegen lass ich es erstmal
Sandra Bullock RoCkZzZzZzZ !... Posted by Ï Mrs. Bloom Ï[ ª ø ¹¹¹ ·o. ] ..*gone*.. on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 02:26:00 PST |
Hot Banditoz... |
My favourite band, the Hot Banditoz, had a performance here in Hannover last Thursday. It was awesome!! I love the music, the dancing, the members, everything's perfect!
I'm so happy that I was able ... Posted by Ï Mrs. Bloom Ï[ ª ø ¹¹¹ ·o. ] ..*gone*.. on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 09:28:00 PST |
Bis 14:30h geschlafen, weil erst um 6 Uhr morgens ins Bett... das nenn ich mal nen gelungenen Ferientag!
Jaja, wenn man einmal im Internet ist, kommt man so schnell nicht mehr raus... Homepage machen,... Posted by Ï Mrs. Bloom Ï[ ª ø ¹¹¹ ·o. ] ..*gone*.. on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 02:09:00 PST |
This was the best day in the last 3 months! I was on the (frozen) Maschsee with my friends and we had such a good time! It was very cold, but I didn't care! When we were sitting in this warm cafe... Posted by Ï Mrs. Bloom Ï[ ª ø ¹¹¹ ·o. ] ..*gone*.. on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 02:06:00 PST |