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I am here for Friends

About Me

be a hero with me and arnocorps. arnocorpsi come from the mountains of santa cruz, exactly, that's right! me and my brother gellend adler were born on the people of terra commune. i hated that tree loving, patchouli stinking, granola ghetto! i left, actually i was kicked out and eventually found my way to the corps! It's fantastic to be a part of such a ballsy band, imagine if you were me, you'd be cumming in your pants everyday!

My Interests

various sexual escapades, weight lifting, rescue missions, feeling the pump!
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I'd like to meet:

Ted Nugent


Action Adventure Rock n' Roll! Sabbath, Dynamite 8, Count Dante and the Black Dragon Fighting Society, Fracas, Jewdriver, Social Distortion, Operation Ivy, Murder City Devils, Mykee Hates Life, Nick Cave, The Animals, Gene Vincent


Holzfeuer, Vielmehr Klampfe, Gellend Adler, Der Wölf, Inzo der Barakuda