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To be happy! To get great bands to play for m at venues all over the Bay Area and love booking again in my home town as well. To remember how to become a fan of the bands and myself again..... Don't take this so seriouly as I do now and enjoy what I have now and treat it with self respect....
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All of you in MY SPACE friends list. Ill put on a killer show with all these bands and we can all meet up and party. i WOULD LIKE TO MEET MYSELF SOMEDAY. WWW.MANDOWNPRESENTS.COM We can do this once a year
I BOOK BANDS ALL OVER CALIFORNIA!ALL LOCAL MUSIC BANDS AND FANS OF MUSIC. AC/DC is the greatest rock band ever! SLIPKNOT is my new favorite band and they are awesome! WWW.MANDOWNPRESENTS.COM TO BOOK WITH ME FOR SAN DIEGO & BAY AREA SHOWS. ALL AGES & I LOVE BANDS AND SUPPORT THEM AND LISTEN TOO:LoNero , ANGERHEAD , Strata, Fingertight, Machine Head, Death Angel, Exodus, Metallica, S.O.D., M.O.D., U.S. Marine Corps, Semper Fi: Always Faithful, Called To Ruin, Karate High School, Delta Activitiy, Crooked, Killing Of Mind, Falling To Peices, The Sick, The Cranks, Rivals, 5606, Nuclear Rabbit, Jynx, Unjust, Omissa, Happy Ending, Superchannel, Morning Donovon, Headbreak, Dredg, Eighfold Path, Painfactor, ANGERHEAD, Dr. Chunk, Space Pimps, Jensing, Pocket, Xzanthus, Potential Threat, Thought Crime, Floorbound, Sleep In Fame, Switchpin, Floater, The Innocence, Innocence, Cage, Stretcher, Cage, Midline, SYX, Frantic, Divit, Nasty Breeze, Savage Machine, Diamond Lane, Insolence, Life With Jonas, Paladin, Air Show Distaster, 3 Up Front, The Unheard Of, The Famous, Divided, 13 Steps to Nothing, Derge, Hostility, Lavish Green, Hemlock, Pinche Hueros, Mad At Sam, The Ghost Next Door, Last Amanda, Still Life Projector, Papa Roach, The Nice Tries, Drunken Strarfighter, Shrinkage, Dub Fx, Thunder Hut Project, Oslo, Skibble, San Resina, UVR, Professional Murder Music, Systematic, Young Dubliners, Push, Splyt, Zeromind, Key To Arson, Lavabone, Local H, Death Angel, Exodus, Testement, Machine head, Violence, Forbidden [Evil], Re-Igntion, Skin Lab, Motley Crue, Iron Madien, Flaw, Ill Nino, Down, World Wide Sickness-------------- THERE ARE MORE TO BE ADDED! THERE ARE SO MANY!
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All War, action, sports, Disney, Funny, Humor, positve type of movies.....
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CROSSFADE & Chris Long there manager, Booking agent John Bonjorno at Pinicale in NY all rock and are my friends!
Books not really but alot of magazines. Rock, Rock and Rock... Music etc..........
MY DAD & my brother ERIC BEARD first off. The U.S. MARINES and arm forces.